Friday, November 30, 2001

I woke up at 5:30 this morning to go do (in just a sec) a fundraiser for LASER. I keep screwing up with my alarm- this time, I put the time in right, but I forgot to turn the alarm on, hahah. Oh, and I fell asleep with a pencil pressed up against my face (I think), and now I've got this imprint on my cheek that looks like some kind of gnarly pirate's scar, hahah. It goes with the humongous bags under my eyes from sleep deprivation, haha.

Thursday, November 29, 2001

The Mr. West pageant was tonight. We started with our choreographed dance; they screwed up the music, so for like 5 seconds, we were all standing there like what's going on? So we ended up not doing like 1/5 of the dance. But, anyways, I think that it went pretty smoothly overall. The crowd went crazy when I did my tornado kick into splits, (even though I did it rather poorly,) haha. I asked Mike (my kung fu classmate), who saw it, and he said it was pretty bad, hahaha- oh well, to the untrained eye, it's still like the coolest thing ever, hahaha!

After that, we had the spirit wear competition. Since I was representing the science fair club (LASER), I went out in shorts with just a lab coat and no shirt (if you missed it, you'll probably never get another chance to see me dressed so skimpily). I wore goggles and latex gloves too, and I had some dry ice and a graduated cylinder full of water. I put the water and dry ice together to make movie smoke as I was walking, but it reacted a lot slower than I anticipated, so it didn't look as cool as it shoulda. =/ Then there was the evening wear competition- nothing special.

I was pretty amazed when I made it into the top 12 (out of like 25-ish guys). That means I'm gonna be in the calendar! =) While we were waiting to perform our talents, some of my friends (who weren't competing) did this dance to "Lady Marmalade"- it was hilarious cuz they (all guys) were dressed like the singers in the music video! They mimicked the video pretty well, I'd say- dance moves and all, hahaha. I thought that was like the funniest thing all evening.

My fan dance was alright I guess... I panicked and went too fast, so after I finished all the moves, I started making stuff up. It was hardly noticeable though, haha. I had real make-up this time, too! (Took an eternity to wash off, haha.) Man, I got so nervous that I forgot all the fancy footwork though, I just like walked through the whole thing. Oh, and I forgot to giggle or smile, too, d'oh!

I actually made it into the top 5! They did the interview questions then. Man, I got seriously shafted: like half the guys got "Why do you want to be Mr. West?" as their question, but mine was "Which one of the contestants would you date?" Man, that's like so unfair... I only talked for about 5, maybe 10 seconds. Needless to say, I sucked it up, haha. So out of the top 5, I was #5.

After it was over, the LASER people gave me a bouquet of flowers. Pretty spiff- thanks guys. =)

Wednesday, November 28, 2001

DANG it!!! I set my alarm clock for PM instead of AM! AGGGGHHHH... DEAD!

Sunday, November 25, 2001

a haiku:

Empty coffee mug,
Wishing there was something more:
to drink, to my life...

It doesn't really capture my emotion as well as I'd hoped. I need more words. Well, anyways, I was sitting on my couch sipping coffee, and when I looked and saw the bottom of the mug shining back at me, I just got that really empty feeling inside of me. *siiiiiigh*

Saturday, November 24, 2001

I just watched the Transformers movie. Man, so cheesy... I remembered transformers as being so much cooler than that... =/
Went to Java & Cha with my cousin and got a Verde Latte (green tea ice cream milkshake, I think); pretty good stuff. Man, I haven't gotten just a regular pearl milk tea in a while... Maybe I should.
I just watched Ghost in the Shell. Sooooo confusing. It had an awesome setup and great idea, but I honestly had no idea what the movie was about, hahahaha. Probably didn't help that I didn't know what a "ghost" was, huh? But seriously though, it's like one of those movies, where when the credits start rolling, you're like WHAT!?!? That's IT!??! There was some really good artwork on the backgrounds & cityscape-type shots, but the people were drawn ugly.
My family went and had dim sum for the first time in ages. It's like we were on some kinda dim sum abstinence while my brother was off at college. Anyways, yea, I napped like the entire afternoon after that.

Don't you hate when you have to go to the bathroom after eating greasy finger foods? It's like, do you wash your hands first, or go first? If you wash first, you'll just have to wash again later. But if you don't wash your hands, then you take the chance of getting... [it] greasy... Haha, quite the dilemma, no?

Friday, November 23, 2001

I just watched the burned VCD of Fist of Legend tonight. My brother brought it back from college along with a gazillion other VCD's... Makes me wonder what they do in college, hahah. But umm, yea, Fist of Legend (Jet Li) is like a thousand times better than Bruce Lee's The Chinese Connection (same basic story). The ending is soooooo much better- you finish the movie thinking the protagonist is a pretty swell guy, as opposed to a brash jerk. Anyways, the general storyline holds particular allure for me cuz it's about my kung fu school... errr, the huge umbrella organisation (Chin Woo) that we're a part of, rather. Ummm, I guess it's like... if they were to make a movie about the YMCA, and you happened to be one of the Village People! hahahah... ok, not quite, but you get the idea. =P
I formatted my computer today thinking it would make stuff run better/faster... ehhh... didn't work so well; I wasted my day. =/

*I added 128Mb of RAM thinking it'd help also... didn't

Thursday, November 22, 2001

Well, this afternoon, my parents pretty much decreed that I'm doomed to go to UT. They said if I want to go anywhere else, I pretty much have to magically come up with a full scholarship... MIT? Stanford? Full scholarship? ...fat chance... DANG it!!! Why!?!?!?!? =*( ...and I had such high hopes for myself too... =(

And on top of that, my mom announced her plans to move back to Taiwan after I leave for college and sell the house. Just the thought of that is terribly depressing. Going off to college away from home, and when there is a vacation, I won't have a home to go back to... I'll be all alone, never to see the inside of my room again, never to come back to this town called Plano. *sigh* Way to drop the bomb on me- on a Thanksgiving. Well, that pretty much ruins my day...

I keep thinking of this scene from Cowboy Bebop, where this lady has to give up her dream of running off with someone, and she tears up this sheet of paper with her hopes, and scatters them into the wind & rain... yea, that's how I feel right now...

Wednesday, November 21, 2001

I finished watching the Cowboy Bebop series this morning; (my friend let me borrow like the whole thing on DVD). Really good... the last 3 episodes were really sad, but the rest was good. The music is like the best part- some really good jazz! It's the kinda thing where after you've watched the finishing, you wish there were more story after that... I highly recommend this anime series.

"See you Space Cowboy..."

Tuesday, November 20, 2001

I went to Kent's place for a semi-party tonight. Pretty much all anybody did was play DDR and eat; I preferred the latter, heheh. Seriously though, I stuffed myself. Dang, I was supposed to be watching my diet too! hahaha. Oh, I tried these new caramel M&M's that are supposedly only available in Mexican stores, hahaha. They're really good- possibly the best thing to come out of Mexico yet, hahahah!
My friend was getting on my case to shave today. Man, I hate shaving; I can never manage to do it without cutting myself. I think maybe I should get myself an electric razor, but I like the feel of shaving cream on my face. It makes me feel like a grown-up, hahah. But seriously, when people tell me to shave, and I especially don't feel like doing so, I'm gonna say, "I'm sporting the rugged look!" hahah. =P

*And I've got these bumps on my chin that look like pimples but that are really shaving scars- they haven't gone away in years... =(

Monday, November 19, 2001

Man, the outfit for my Mr. West gig isn't quite what I expected. I thought it was gonna be like a kimono... ehhh, not quite. *sigh* oh well, you make do with what you can get, right? I'm in no position to complain anyways- like everything of mine is borrowed.

*Oh yea, and I hurt my knee today banging it on the ground while doing the highly suggestive "hump-the-ground" maneuver, hahaha. But yea, during our "do whatever you want" segment, I pulled a tornado kick into the splits. The guys were all like, "Oh my gosh, did you hurt yourself? Did you bang [it] on the ground???" Haha, geez... you'd think they'd never seen a guy do the splits before...

Sunday, November 18, 2001

Man, I just found out that we won't know who gets to perform their "special talent" at the Mr. West contest until the night of the actual contest. Bleehhhh... D.N.G.!!! I had told most of my friends not to bother coming unless I qualified. =/ (Only 12 out of like 30ish get to do their talents) Oh, and also only those 12 get featured in the calendar.

geez... seriously though, I'm calling in a gazillion favors and borrowing a ton of stuff for my act. If I'm not gonna use it, I'd like to be able to return it ASAP. I'm cross-dressing and doing a Chinese/Japanese style fan dance- (think: geisha) , hahah. But yea, the only thing everyone gets to do is the N*Sync style choreographed dance. Oh well, at any rate, it should be... [interesting], heheh.

*Oh yea, and I was going to curiously disavow all knowledge of the event if I didn't qualify... and never have my parents know that I even participated, haha.
I was petting my friend's cat earlier today, and I unknowingly scratched my eye with the same hand later on. Man, my eye was burning like crazy for about an hour. Dang allergies... Bad kitty! RARRR...
Man, my chest hurts like crazy, and I'm having an irregular pulse. It's like fast for a sec, then very slow- alternating. Uhhh... I don't think that's normal. Uh oh!
Darned weather!!! grrr... tonight of all nights for it to be cloudy! blehhhh... I was trying to watch the Leonid meteor shower. I had to wait for like pockets in the thick cloud coverage to see anything. I saw a lowly total of 3 meteors in 30 minutes... and they all occurred within a gap of 30 seconds. *sigh* I guess I'll have another chance in... what, 33 years-ish? =(

Saturday, November 17, 2001

I slept all afternoon, and when I woke up, I couldn't find anything to do. None of my friends were online, so I went and saw the school musical Crazy For You by myself. It was pretty good I guess- I liked it. The acting was average, but I liked the music. The show was originally a Broadway production with music/lyrics by George & Ira Gershwin. I really went more to hear Gershwin's music than to see the students' acting, haha. But yea, seriously, "Someone to Watch Over Me" and "They Can't Take That Away From Me" are such moving songs- very heart-wrenching...

"There's a saying old, says that love is blind
Still we're often told, "seek and ye shall find"
So I'm going to seek a certain lad I've had in mind

Looking everywhere, haven't found him yet
He's the big affair I cannot forget
Only man I ever think of with regret"
~ Gershwin's "Someone to Watch Over Me" (switch all the guy references to girl, and you've got my sentiments)

Friday, November 16, 2001

Man, they're re-airing the old episodes of Dragonball Z again. grrr... sucks! Now I gotta wait like months before I find out what happens. =(
The (Jeff Bolt) USAWKF Nationals for Chinese martial arts started today in San Diego. I wanted to go, but my parents didn't want me to miss school, grrrrrr... Only Krist & Jason went from my kung fu school.

*Well, apparently, this competition isn't as important as I originally thought... The USAWKF split into 2 factions some time back, and the International Wushu Federation decided that this faction was the imposter. Haha, sounds like a good setup for a movie, if you ask me. =P ...Now if only the members of the opposing sides would fight to the death! heheheh...
CRAP!!!! I've been working on a paper for an hour, and my comp was starting to mess up. It said it was out of memory, so it saved it as a rescued document. When I reboot and loaded up the rescued document, it was a bunch of gibberish... CRAAAAAAPPPPPP!!!!! I'm dead! I can't type it all again before school starts! uggghhhh... dead....

Wednesday, November 14, 2001

I got my first paycheck today for my research job at A&M!!! =) Actually... to tell the truth, it wasn't really a paycheck, it was just slip of paper saying the money had been directly deposited into my (parents') account.

Tuesday, November 13, 2001

Oh yea, I was flipping through my brother's closet this morning before breakfast, and I saw this shirt I wanted to wear... (a brown, short-sleeve collared that matched these semi-new shoes I have). Anyways, after breakfast, I go try it on, and it's soooooo freakin' tight...I'm like, I can't wear this to school... It'll be like "Fat man in a little coat!" =P So I try to take it off, but it's like stuck on my arms cuz it's way too tight; it took me a whole minute to get it off, hahaha. Seriously, I probably woulda ripped it if I flexed.
I went to a reception for the UT Engineering program tonight. Ummm... typical informative college stuff. Not many people went; the faculty/alumni outnumbered the students there, hahaha. So I guess it was a pretty elite group of kids (probably applying to Ivy's, etc.), so their main selling point was that UT was cheap- that places like MIT & CalTech were mainly for graduate study. Oh yea, and for their parting gift, they gave out t-shirts & pocket protectors!!! Hahaha, that's hilarious!

Monday, November 12, 2001

man, I realized today that I walk really funny... I saw a reflection of myself walking (without a backpack on) tonight for the first time in a really long while. It's like a cross between girl & clueless idiot. I look like such a sissy. bleehhhhhh... what's wrong with me!?!?! Maybe I need to take some walking classes or something.

Sunday, November 11, 2001

do you ever feel like you wanna say something, but not know what? *sigh*

Saturday, November 10, 2001

Man, I musta read a clock wrong... cuz I came home an hour early- it's still Saturday!!! hahaha. I went and ate at Kampai (sushi) with the kung fu gang- yummy as always. =) After that, a couple of us went over to John's house to chill. We stopped off and got some ice cream on the way. mmmm... I hadn't had a sundae in ages. At John's place, we watched the DVD of Shaolin Soccer, hahaha. Man, that movie's hilarious; everything with Stephen Chow is hilarious.

Oh yea, I took the McNabb Math Contest this morning. I guess I did decent, but this is my first time in level IV... that's like the big dogs of the competitive math circuit, hahaha. Seriously though, I used to place in top [however many they actually rank] almost every time, but now that I changed divisions, I don't think I'll ever place again. geez... I'm just thoroughly outclassed by these guys who took calculus back in like 9th grade. *sigh* oh well, so much for the glory... =/
My mom had me go back to the salon and have my hair "fixed" by another employee there, one of her friends. She did a pretty good job... it's actually bearable now. And I saw some friends there that I hadn't seen in ages, but we didn't really talk.
Daggone it!!! I just got another crappy haircut! It was the same lady that screwed it up majorly last time too. I walked in there thinking, maybe I was being too harsh on her from last time, I mean everyone has their bad days, right? Nope... apparently this lady sucks 24-7!!! I clearly tell her, "do NOT touch the front!" Maybe what she needs is a hearing aid... Man, she just kept messing up; after awhile, I was just like, "okay, I think you're done now, stop cutting." I came home all pissed. I pounded on my iron palm bag until my hands started hurting like crazy... and I'm still pissed.

*Oh, and I made a point not to tip her (going against my usual behavior). I felt kinda guilty about it afterwards though. So not only do I have a bad haircut, I feel like a scrooge, too! =(

Friday, November 09, 2001

I just watched the premiere episode of live-action version of The Tick (recorded from Thursday). It's great, hahaha. It's almost as good as the cartoon version... almost. I don't much care for the characters of Batmanuel & Captain Liberty; I liked them better as DeflatorMouse and American Maid. But yea, theTick still makes those same crazy philosophical remarks that keep you puzzled and amused...
I got cut off by a minivan coming home from kung fu today. Man, I never remember to honk until like 5 seconds later... and by then it'd be pointless. I told Mike, who was on the car, "They need to just have a loudspeaker that amplifies it when you exclaim, 'CRIKEY!'" hahaha. Yea... seriously, I find myself saying "CRIKEY" a whole lot nowadays, a la The Crocodile Hunter. It's fun cuz I don't have any idea what it means, hahaha. It's like my substitute for having to say a dirty word...

Ever since about 10th grade, I've really tried to cut down on my use of profanity (so I try to say something like "Crikey" instead). I'm not 100% sure why I started cutting down on the cursing. I think it partially started when my band director told the class how profanity was the tool of a weak mind. Also, I started teaching the kids kung fu classes around that time, and I guess I just didn't want to have them hearing me drop an F-bomb every 30 seconds, hahaha.

For real though, I guess everyone just has to exclaim something in instants of frustration. And maybe we do have weak minds, but it's not so easy to make something like "ALAS! The world hath done me wrong!" into the phrase that pops out of your mouth as an involuntary reaction. =/
I just got back from visiting the (region 6) EPA office in downtown Dallas. It was pretty cool; I missed like the entire day of school for it. Well, I went to zero-hour English, where we watched a movie, took an economics timed writing in advance, then left with Kevin. It's located in Fountain Place, the pointy green skyscraper that has like the diagonal line going down it. Man, I was like the only person not dressed up, haha. The whole thing at the EPA was really more of a tour of the facility than anything in depth- picked up a couple EPA factoids too, I guess. There's a really good view of the new American Airlines Center from the office. Ummm... not a whole lot happened; we were like the guinea pig group to see what they should do with visiting kids in the future.

Thursday, November 08, 2001

Oh yea, this morning, these guys who are re-plastering our pool were parked in my alleyway, and I thought I was stuck. I was sitting there in my car, thinking dang, I'm gonna be even more late than usual, when my dad reminded me that there are 2 ways out of the alley, hahaha. But seriously, I'm late to school like every single day. I think I've only been on time to school 6 times since school started this year. Haha, my zero-hour (honors English) teacher is so nice. Somewhere around my 50th time late to class, I was over 15 minutes late, and she says to me, "That's your 3rd tardy." hahaha, I'm still always tardy.

Yea... I mean, it's not like I'm missing a whole lot in that class. Honors is sooooo much easier than AP, you wouldn't even believe it. A recommendation to ALL juniors (in the PISD): take honors English- it's the most laid back class EVER. My blood pressure's been normal ever since I dropped AP, hahahaha!
I find myself spacing out... a LOT! Like today, we were having this really good turkey stuff at school lunch ( ; what were the odds, huh?), and my mind started to wander. When I snapped back to reality, all the food on my plate was gone! haha, at first, I was asking around my table like, "hey man, did you take my roll or something?" But no, it turns out I'd eaten all my food and hadn't even realized it. Heh, it's pretty amusing to know that I can eat on auto-pilot, haha. =P

But yea, also, when you space out, your eyes naturally settle and don't move right? But then someone/something moves into your line of sight, and if you're really out of it, you don't even notice. So, yea, anyways, every once in awhile, people will be like, "hey, Daniel, are you checking out that girl's butt???" It's like, "What!?!?!? NO!!!"

Wednesday, November 07, 2001

I tried the new Mountain Dew AMP today; pretty good stuff... I've now tried like every single energy drink available at gas stations. Here are the rankings, based on my personal taste tests (results are subject to change):

1. Mountain Dew AMP
2. EAS piranha - fruit punch flavored
3. (tie) 180; Hansen's
3. (3-way tie) Red Bull; Sobe Adrenaline Rush; BOMBA - yellow
4. (tie) KMX; Extreme Energy Drink
5. BOMBA - blue
Man, I feel like I've got so much piling up on me with all these extracurriculars- first and foremost, science fair. It cuts into my time for like everything. This upcoming Friday, I'm going to visit the Dallas EPA office during school hours. But on that day, the school's having some kinda thing to honor the National Merit Semi-Finalists... I don't really know how big a deal it really is, but I got a note from my counselor which led me to believe it's probably something significant. =/
And also, I'm having to work on Tuesday of next week, when I'm supposed to go to some kinda banquet thing regarding the UT engineering program... I might hafta miss (at least part of) one of the two, grrr... not cool.

Tuesday, November 06, 2001

I was reading this blog entry, and I've actually seen the same break-chopsticks-with-a-dollar-bill trick. I figure there aren't that many people in this world who could/would perform this trick, so it's probably the same guy. It was at Taiji Legacy this summer at the master's demo.

At first I was amazed like crazy! But after the show though, I heard some people (including my sifu) talking about it and they said that the trick was a crock of BS... Someone else said his master had held the chopsticks for him before once and had seen him stick out his finger to break. I was pretty confused- I didn't know what to think. I mean, I performed also that night, and I saw the chopstick fragments on the stage... they didn't look like they'd been broken by a finger...

I was thinking about this event and about my own hesitance to believe in the concept of "chi," when I was reminded of this episode of Walker, Texas Ranger that I'd watched before. There were these bad guys who were martial arts masters and could do stuff that seemed impossible ( ; you know they were masters cuz they don't let Chuck Norris get beat up very often, hahahaha). Well, anyways, so Walker & his sidekick go to the hospital to talk to this old guy who's connected to the baddies somehow. He said something really profound, along the lines of:

"[You Westerners worship the religion of Science. It is a powerful religion. It has brought you great progress and technology... but it cannot explain miracles.]"
I had one of those "rave drinks" this morning for the first time... I read the ingredients, and it's basically an entire can of Red Bull condensed into oh... about, say... 15 mL!!! It's got caffeine, taurine, B-vitamins, and 2000mg of ginseng. It didn't taste very good though. The package said it was "Columbian coffee flavored." hmmm... that must be some kinda raver lingo for "tastes like CRAP!" hahahah.

But seriously, I think it worked... I didn't fall asleep today in statistics class (for the first time in about 2 weeks!), hahaha. But my eyes have been like burning all day long. For real, though, I need to find out the maximum safe dosage of ginseng, cuz I take in a lot of it, now that I think about it. All these energy drinks, energy mints, etc. that I consume all have a hefty bit of ginseng... I wonder what would happen on a ginseng overdose...
Stupid Celina police! They got all the accident information screwed up... They thought it was me driving, and the officer said that I told him personally that I was driving... geez... IDIOTS!!! I bet they lost the accident info and are just BS-ing as they go. Well, since everything's so messed up, my mom says to just handle it ourselves... =/

Monday, November 05, 2001

CRAP! I got pulled over on the way to martial arts club today for driving around at night with a busted headlight. I got let off with just a warning this time though. *whew* But man, that accident a week ago is screwing me over again and again! geez... and we can't get it fixed (claim insurance) until the cops in Celina get the accident report done. It's been over a week now, I don't know what's taking so freaking long... I'm at the mercy of the Celina Police Department here... seriously.
Man, Mondays are so stressful for me nowadays... Right after school gets out, I go work on my science fair project. Then I go straight from that to student congress meetings (, and the occasional NHS meeting, ) back at school. Then I come home, grab a bite to eat, then I gotta leave for martial arts club. Man... martial arts club is getting to be more of a pain in the butt than a fun activity. It's like, I feel like I have to be there, even when I don't want to be: like when I'm severely sleep-deprived, or imminently screwed with homework. And I'm always the one who has to think of something to do- seriously, I exhausted all my ideas like over a month ago... Nowadays, I walk in there and try to come up with a fun idea on the spot. Geez... and I still have to design the t-shirt for the club. ARRRGGGHHHH!!! So much stress!!!! =(
!@#%$!$@#%@#$%!!! Daggone it! I got my SAT II scores today... dang! What gives??? I'm not this stupid! What pissed me off the most was the writing section... I got 80 (full pointage) on the multiple choice part, but on the essay, i only got 49/80... DANG.... I mean, I didn't finish, but I think that it was still a darned good essay! STUPID, STUPID, STUPID! grrrrrr... 710... geez... 83rd percentile... D.N.G. - "Da No Goot", dau!!! (inside joke/jargon)
And I knew my physics score was gonna suck, so I'm only mildly disappointed with it: 740 (81st percentile). Math is like whatever... I was 90% sure I'd get the 800 anyways... big whoop...

Saturday, November 03, 2001

I just got back from watching The One with Nien and his buddies. They all thought it was horrible, but I liked it. You know, it occurred to me, maybe I just have bad taste in movies, hahaha. For instance, I liked the Final Fantasy movie too, while everyone else hated it.
Anyways, the premise of the movie really had me going, even if the actual script wasn't so good. I've just always been intrigued by SciFi / futuristic stuff, and the idea of getting stronger when your counterpart in a parallel universe dies doesn't seem too bogus for me. But I was thinking... I've heard that you're antimatter to yourself from another universe; so if you touched... KABOOM! Well, I dunno, maybe I learned that from a movie too. Oh, and I like that Matrix-style hovering in the air to simulate slow-mo type fighting... it's so fun to watch, even though it's so fake, hahaha.

After the movie, we were driving along, about to get gas, and this car full of thuggish-looking Mexicans pulls up next to us (in the right turn lane) and gives us some funny looks. We decide to go get some gas, and they make their turn, but about 30 seconds later, they show up at the gas station also. Then all 4 guys open their doors and get out of the car at the same time, one of 'em carrying a brick. At that point, I'm like holy crap! what's going on??? But then they pop the hood and just stand there, (whew) and they start blaring Toni Braxton, hahaha. Nien and I started cracking jokes about them on the car. Then, James (outside of the car) says something to us, and we hear him crystal-clear, and we're like oh crap!! if we can hear him, then I bet those Mexicans heard us!!! So we did some experiments testing the insulation, where we'd try having someone outside the car say something to people inside and vice-versa. We found out that, for some reason, sound seems to be one-way with car windows. hmmm... maybe it's cuz there's ambient noise outside that drowns out the sound of the people inside.

Ummm, we went to Java afterwards, and we saw Tommy and Don there- fancy that! Hahaha. Ummm.... we were gonna go to Putt Putt afterwards, but it was closed, so we went to Wendy's... but their drive-thru was the only thing open. So we ended up chilling in the Wendy's parking lot for awhile and then just went home. Overall, a rather uneventful evening.
Don't you hate when you're eating french fries, and then you decide to open up another packet of ketchup, but you can't cuz your hands are too greasy? It's just like, help? anybody? Could somebody open this for me???
ACK!!! My comments got erased!!! =( *grumble-grumble* ...unreliable... *mutter-mutter* piece of crap... grrrr.... Stupid Reblogger!!! I think I'll change to another commenting service... looking at BlogBack right now.

Friday, November 02, 2001

I was just thinking... wouldn't it be freaky as hell if this blog was like Mimarin's journal in the anime movie Perfect Blue? Where it's not really me writing, but rather someone else who seemed to know everything about me. Like, knowing enough about me to know what kind of emotions and thoughts were running through my mind every day and to be able to write as though they were me. That would be soooooo freaky!

Thursday, November 01, 2001

We went to the movies and saw Iron Monkey for martial arts club tonight. Haha, that's what you do when you run out of ideas on stuff to do. There was a pitiful turn-out though... only 2 members went (including me!), hahaha. Well, kudos to Kevin (Chen) for showing! hmmm... I woulda thought at least like 4 or 5 people woulda wanted to see it... oh well...