Saturday, August 25, 2007

*I got in my 1st "real" car accident today. Well, in my terms, I woulda called it the late part of last night, but in strict technical terms, I guess it was roughly 5 AM when it happened.

I was coming home from a night out at Rum Jungle with the coworkers when it happened. And the natural inclination I suppose would be to think that I was drunk when it happened, but to tell the truth, I hadn't had a drink in several hours by the time it happened. I blame it on severe fatigue more than anything else. Exiting from Mandalay Bay, I came out on Frank Sinatra Dr., and omg, one wrong turn on Frank Sinatra, and you're a goner (same goes for Dean Martin Dr.). It looks like the I-15 service road, but it's NOT- it never lets you on the highway, and it takes several miles before the nearest turn or exit. So yea, in my tired wisdom, I decided to try a turnoff that led me to the middle of nowhere. It was really dark out, and it probably took me 30+ minutes before I finally found my way to a road I knew. By then I was soooo freaking tired.

You know, they always say: "Driving drunk is like driving when you're really tired," but they never say that "driving really tired is like driving drunk." You know, there's such a stigma against drunk driving that's pounded into our heads all throughout primary education, but I think I've put SO many more lives in danger when driving sleep-deprived.

Anyways, so as I'm turning into my apartment complex, I understeer, run up on the median of where the gate keypad thing is and pop a tire running over the desert landscaping (big baseball sized rocks instead of your typical grass). And at first I thought I had just jacked up my alignment cuz I could feel the steering dragging to one side. But I was so tired, I was just like whatever, screw it, I'll take it to the shop tomorrow to have it checked out and went to bed.

When I checked it out the next day, the left front tire had a humongo hole in it, and the skirt of my bumper was pretty jacked up. And all this happened the night before (or technically, the morning that) my parents rolled into town to stay with me. >_< Yea, I had a lot of 'splaining to do. =X But yea, I wasn't even gonna call it in to insurance, cuz I didn't think it'd pay off enough to make it worth having this on my record. But my mom was pretty adamant, like "you BOUGHT that stupid accident forgiveness plan, you better USE it!" So I caved and called the insurance company. I get about $300 from Allstate, and there goes my only "freebie accident" for the next 3 years. =/

Ugghh, I don't even know what the take-away lesson was from all this. Don't drive tired? Be skeptical of mom's advice regarding car insurance? I'd probably go with: Do NOT take Frank Sinatra southbound from Mandalay Bay!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Mangekyo Sharingan. I remember when I got Lasik'ed a couple years ago, they told me that young folk like myself (especially those who used computers a lot) ran the distinct risk of probably having to get it done again in like 10 years or so. And despite the side effect of kinda jacking up my night vision, I don't regret having it done at all- it's SO convenient compared to the glasses and contacts. People blessed with perfect eyesight, live it up- you don't know how good you have it.

Well, anyways, maybe a month or two after I started working, I started getting these terrible headaches. After awhile, I realized that it was (probably) cuz the vision in my left eye was noticeably worse than in my right. And I think the imbalance in clarity was causing the dizziness/aching. I talked to my coworker about it and he was like, "yea, that happened to me too when I first started working. I used to have perfect vision all my life until then, and I went to the optometrist and she was like, 'I bet you're an engineer, fresh out of school, huh?' And I was like, 'how did you know??' 'I see it all the time. You start this job where you're staring at a computer screen for 8+ hours a day, and your eyes aren't used to it.' So yea, that's common; it's like beginning engineer's disease." >_< And it reminded me of that line in Naruto where Kakashi says to Itachi (about the mangekyo sharingan): "[how far has your eyesight deteriorated, Itachi?]" But whereas mangekyo sharingan is an ultimate bloodline genjutsu technique capable of completely incapacitating an opponent in a split second... well, it seems I've traded my eyesight for, ummm... heat transfer and finite element analysis techniques. >_< Yea, I wish I'd gained something cooler for sacrificing my vision. -_- *le sigh* I dunno, I'd sooner get Lasik done again than go back to contacts, but... we'll see, hopefully I can tough it out and make these eyes last a bit longer.
You know, I think that colored wifebeaters, like colored bras for the ladies, are best suited for occasions where you expect people to see you in them. Like seriously, otherwise, it's kinda weird to have the colors showing through your dress shirts and whatnot. Same can be said about the length of the beater. The good ones for wearing without a shirt are cut short so as not to make your torso look disproportionately long. But if they're cut short, it makes them not stay tucked in well for normal dress-up situations. Quite the paradox, if you ask me. Anyways, that thought's been on my mind the last couple weeks, so I thought I'd spit it out and get it off my chest.