Friday, November 09, 2001

I got cut off by a minivan coming home from kung fu today. Man, I never remember to honk until like 5 seconds later... and by then it'd be pointless. I told Mike, who was on the car, "They need to just have a loudspeaker that amplifies it when you exclaim, 'CRIKEY!'" hahaha. Yea... seriously, I find myself saying "CRIKEY" a whole lot nowadays, a la The Crocodile Hunter. It's fun cuz I don't have any idea what it means, hahaha. It's like my substitute for having to say a dirty word...

Ever since about 10th grade, I've really tried to cut down on my use of profanity (so I try to say something like "Crikey" instead). I'm not 100% sure why I started cutting down on the cursing. I think it partially started when my band director told the class how profanity was the tool of a weak mind. Also, I started teaching the kids kung fu classes around that time, and I guess I just didn't want to have them hearing me drop an F-bomb every 30 seconds, hahaha.

For real though, I guess everyone just has to exclaim something in instants of frustration. And maybe we do have weak minds, but it's not so easy to make something like "ALAS! The world hath done me wrong!" into the phrase that pops out of your mouth as an involuntary reaction. =/


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