Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Obama-nation. So yea, of COURSE I'm happy that the Democrats are back in charge, and reason (hopefully) will be restored to science policy, foreign policy, habeas corpus, etc, etc.

But seriously... Prop 8?? wtf? I'm utterly confounded by how California of all places could allow something like that to pass. If this can happen in the state largely regarded as the liberal bastion of the US, what chance do any other states have? Fear and bigotry, and lack of understanding!

I have several gay friends, and I think it's an absolute travesty that they would be denied the same happiness as available to others just because of their sexual orientation. I'm of the general mind that if it doesn't harm others, what two consenting adults wanna do is none of the government's business.

Like, though I have my strong personal opinions on the matter, I guess I can vaguely see how abortion is a little less black & white. But with the gay marriage thing, I firmly believe that it's one of those things that we'll look back in 20 or 30 years and wonder how we let such blatant segregation go on. It's the modern day version of Jim Crow laws to me. Separate but equal? No such thing.