Monday, November 05, 2001

Man, Mondays are so stressful for me nowadays... Right after school gets out, I go work on my science fair project. Then I go straight from that to student congress meetings (, and the occasional NHS meeting, ) back at school. Then I come home, grab a bite to eat, then I gotta leave for martial arts club. Man... martial arts club is getting to be more of a pain in the butt than a fun activity. It's like, I feel like I have to be there, even when I don't want to be: like when I'm severely sleep-deprived, or imminently screwed with homework. And I'm always the one who has to think of something to do- seriously, I exhausted all my ideas like over a month ago... Nowadays, I walk in there and try to come up with a fun idea on the spot. Geez... and I still have to design the t-shirt for the club. ARRRGGGHHHH!!! So much stress!!!! =(


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