Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Mad Scientists' Corner (Vol. 4)

Slim Jim Sport. This one first came to me like a year ago or so but came back to memory recently. Anyways, why is it that powerbars are always sweet flavored? Sometimes after a workout, you could really just go for something salty. Meat flavored would be great. And I got to thinking, why can't they make a meat flavored powerbar? ...possibly even with real meat; the perfect ingredient for any protein bar. I mean, if they can market certain kinds of beers as "sport beers," seems like it wouldn't be that crazy a business decision to market like Slim Jim Sport, the ultimate in satisfying your post-workout hunger. Unleash the carnivore within while fulfilling all your protein needs, with all your daily vitamins and minerals, and the electrolytes you need to get back in the game. I'd totally buy it.

Lightning Power. I was watching Back to the Future the other day, and I get to the part where they hear that they need to generate a couple gigawatts (or "jigawatts" as the professor called them. jigga what?) to power the flux capacitor. Anyways, they said that other than like a nuclear reaction, the only way they could get that kinda power was with a bolt of lightning. So I got to thinking, if lightning rods can exist, why can't you just set up like a huge field of 'em (like those windmills in a wind farm) in a rainy area and harness lightning energy? ...well, other than that thing they say about lightning never striking the same place twice. I dunno, the whole thing doesn't strike me as that absurd, but then again I'm not a EE.

Sponge Fork. Going back to my bread glove idea from a couple months back, one of the major problems while eating is getting your hands dirty. It's especially problematic when you're switching back and forth between finger foods and silverware foods (e.g. bbq ribs and coleslaw). Your hands get all nasty and then you can't grip your silverware properly. Well anyways, I was using a wetnap during a meal while switching between food types, and it strikes me: Why not stick the wetnap onto the fork? Like if you had like a sponge or something that cleans your hands while you grip the (plastic) utensil, that would save you so much hassle.

Color-change Toothpaste. They say that one of Alexander the Great's military tactics was to use the power of chemistry to synchronize his attacks. He would send each of his generals off in different directions with an armband soaked in a special chemical, and after the chemical had been exposed to the air for a given amount of time, the color would change and they'd all know to start their (pincer) attacks at the same time. Anyways, I remember hearing that most people have a problem of not brushing their teeth for long enough. If I remember correctly, dentists recommend that you brush your teeth for (at least) 3 minutes straight. I think most people probably have a hard time gauging how long they've brushed for. It's not like most people sit there with a stopwatch or anything. Well, I was thinking, couldn't they come up with some kinda chemical that reacts with your saliva or something, and after about 3 minutes, the normally white foam starts turning like purple or something? Hah, other than the slightly weird thought of having colored foam in your mouth, I think it'd be a pretty cool idea.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

but daniel, what about all those germs on your spongy fork? it'd have to be disposable (at least the spongy part), like those cool swiffer things. have you ever used them? they're amazing!

and also...foaming at the mouth? and not just white...purple!

5/13/2005 3:20 PM  

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