Sunday, January 30, 2005

The Mad Scientists' Corner (Vol. 3) - Food Edition. Hey, I've noticed that I've started saying "randonymity" a lot cuz I don't like the way "randomness" sounds. I wonder if it'll catch on. =P

Winter Smoothies. A couple years back, (back when Jamba Juice used to be Zuka Juice,) I came to the conclusion that smoothie business must plummet in the winter, when no one's in the mood for icy drinks. Therefore, I thought it'd be a crafty development if they could develop a warm (or at least room temperature) smoothie that didn't utilize ice. Now, I'm no smoothie scientist, but it's my belief that the thick texture of generic smoothies hinges on the congealing properties of ice on the otherwise fruit gruel (as evidenced by the fact that a "melted" smoothie gets really runny). Anyways, at the time, I thought that perhaps this problem could be alleviated by using watermelon. Watermelon flesh stays pretty thick when blended (or maybe I just didn't have a powerful enough blender). Well, after a bit of thinking, I decided that drinking a warm watermelony drink would be flat out nasty. So I forgot about the idea for a couple years. I remembered the idea a couple days ago and decided to give it a bit more thought. Maybe if you blended some yogurt or some tofu or even pudding with the fruit. I dunno, who knows if people would even want to drink warm smoothies? Well, by goll, one of these days I'm gonna try it just for kicks.

Sushi Chipotle. I think it'd be cool if they had like sushi bars where you like walk in and choose all the toppings/fillings that you want in your sushi. It'd work kinda like Chipotle, where you just walk down the line and say what you want. They'd start with like a massive sheet of seaweed, lump some rice in, then instead of meat, you'd have like your choice of fish, imitation crab, shrimp, or that kinda stuff. Then you could have your pick of vegetables like cucumber and avocado. Lump on some caviar, sesame, mayo, or whatever else you'd want, and then they roll it up, chop it up, and you check out. Dude, I would SO go to a restaurant like that.

Bread Gloves. (Ok, this idea is admittedly a bit dumb, but I didn't want to write an entry with only two ideas.) (So pretend for a sec that forks, knives, and chopsticks don't exist.) Alright, so in the history of food, I think one of the great milestones was the invention of the sandwich- it was one of those 2001: A Space Odyssey kinda apeman learning to use tools sorta events. The desire to keep your hands clean is ubiquitous in modern society. But the sandwich's contribution to this field has its limitations. The sandwich is admittedly a bit... 2-dimensional. What about something not flat? Like fried chicken. Well, wouldn't it be nice if you had like a glove that you could wear while grabbing the chicken... a glove that you could eat afterwards? BAM! Bread gloves. Not a whole lot else to say about this one, hahaha.

*Invisible Ice Cream. Ok, I don't know how or even why you would want to do this, but it came to me in a dream a few days later and I thought I'd tell y'all about it. Ok, so in my dream, I was in JCL and they had this new soft serve machine, but people were walking up to it and pulling the handle and walking away looking satisfied, but it looked like they were empty handed (the cones were invisible in the dream too). Then upon closer inspection, I realized that there was something there- the slightest outline of the shape of an ice cream cone. Ummm, it's like what anything in scifi looks like when it's engaging its cloaking device. Anyways, I woke up thinking it was kinda cool, kinda crazy, and ultimately pretty amusing. I think there's a market for novelty foods like this- in the same segment of the market as Dip'n Dots. So I thought about it a bit scientifically, and I guess the secret is in coming up with a formula for a sweet goop that has a refractive index close to that of air when it's frozen. Tackle that problem and invisible ice cream would be a reality.

Previous Edition>>


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahahaha hilarious. breadgloves. anyway, since i´ve had an apartment here, i´ve been doing a lot of cooking, and everyone else here knows lots of recipes and stuff so we´ve been experimenting- so next semester, we´ll try blending various foods/fruits together and come up with kickass avant garde cuisine - it shall be fun-

2/01/2005 9:49 AM  

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