Friday, April 24, 2009

Leaving Las Vegas. So I accepted a job out in San Jose, California, and so I'll be moving out of Las Vegas soon. And I dunno, I guess the finality of it all hasn't really & truly set in yet, but I don't feel a whole lot of sadness over it. I'm sure it's one of those things where I need to give it some time before I can really reflect on the whole experience.

I feel like it's one of those towns that you get real jaded in eventually- like I'm starting to lose that sense of wonder & amazement to it all. Like you're constantly surrounded by all this stuff going on and a certain mentality, that after awhile you start getting numb to it (or get swept up by it). It's the kind of town that you could live in and be exposed to an ersatz, Disney-esque version of a lot of things, and feel like you never have to leave to have seen it all- or at least that's what the casinos want you to believe, I'm sure. They WANT you to believe that you're in control- they trick you into giving them your money little by little, voluntarily.

They say for tourists flying in for a weekend on the town, the incoming flight is always loud & raucous, with everyone yelling & screaming about how they're gonna take the casinos for all they're worth... A couple days later, the flights out are dead silent with broken spirits & empty pockets, hahaha. Vegas is a harsh mistress, and she'll eat you alive if you're not careful- that's what she does best: eat dreams for breakfast! Hahaha. As the adage goes: the House always wins.

It's been a good run, but I suppose the time is right to move on- I knew, even before I came, that I didn't see myself here for the rest of my life, so this was bound to happen sooner or later. It's definitely been a love/hate relationship with this town, but every time I see those bright lights, I suppose there IS a sense of familiarity- like an old friend of sorts. The kind where there have been bad times & good, but when you cross paths, you still give that old knowing head nod that says “I remember...”

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”


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