Sunday, September 28, 2008

Froot Loops & Broken Promises. I remember how Froot Loops were my favorite cereal during my early teenage years. Probably in no small part due to the fact that my mom didn't let us buy sugary cereals like that much, so I didn't get to have them very often. But MAN, did I love me some Froot Loops! And I remember back before college, I promised myself that I'd never outgrow my love of Froot Loops. And you can imagine my excitement to find out that the college cafeterias had it- as MUCH as you wanted.

And maybe that was the problem. Maybe eating it way too often (~2 bowls a day, nearly every day freshman year) DID have a bit to do with my cooling sentiments towards the cereal. But it happened so gradually. Once a month or so, I'd get some other cereal instead, like "ennhhh, I don't really feel like Froot Loops today." And once a month became once a week, then twice, then before I knew it, I wasn't really helping myself to Froot Loops much at all.

And that's when it all hit home. I'd broken the promise I made to myself- I no longer loved Froot Loops anymore. Yea, I think a little bit of me died inside that day. Guess you can't "follow your nose" forever. =/ Sorry, I let you down, Toucan Sam.


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