Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Taiwan Recap. So I was in Taiwan for ~12/24-1/9, mostly in Taipei. There were two main reasons for me going back, I suppose. The 1st being that I missed my grandpa's 80th birthday banquet to take my FE exam back in October, so I guilt-tripped myself into going back to Taiwan as a means to make it up to him in my mind. The 2nd reason was that several of my best friends from high school were going back as well. So it was a pretty good occasion to kill two birds with one stone.

Well, if I haven't mentioned before, my grandfather has Alzheimer's, and it's starting to get really bad. On any given day, it's about 50/50 whether he'll know who I am; and even if he remembers my name, he usually won't remember that I'm his grandson. -_- But yea, I had flown back with the intention of apologizing to my grandfather for missing his banquet, but upon seeing him for the first time and him not really recognizing me, I figured it was best leaving it unsaid rather than bringing up something he wouldn't remember and confusing him. I watched this Japanese film Memories of Tomorrow about Alzheimer's with my cousin, and it was really poignant and hit pretty close to home.

I went and prayed at the ashes of my paternal grandfather and grandmother also. I also have always guilt-tripped myself over missing this grandfather's funeral in Taiwan because I was interviewing for jobs back in the States. It was my first time praying for them since he passed away.

Saw my twin nephews (cousin's kids) and took them to the zoo. They're 3 or so now, and I think they're almost to the age where kids get not-so-bratty, but not quite there yet. Still super cute though, just a bit noisy and mishievous, hah. Anyways, I realized once again how clueless I am with dealing with children. =/

On a different note, hanging out with the friends was a blast. It was great seeing old friends again and doing what we always do: eat, drink, and be merry. It's just kinda funny that we had to all fly halfway around the world just to see each other though, hah. Props to Queenna for playing host and tourguide for us. We did the usual thing of clubs, lounges, karaoke, and night markets. Went shrimping(?); it was roughly what I imagined I guess, but I think it would've been more fun drunk, hah- but I suppose it was kinda meditative, kinda like fishing. Went to the Taipei Auto Show- was ok, I think 80% of the ppl were just there to see the race queens, hah. We went and saw the movie Warlords at the theatre- it was ok; had me thinking for awhile afterwards. And we counted down the new year at the Taipei 101 and watched the fireworks- supposedly the last year they're gonna do it; it was pretty cool, but it was packed as hell trying to leave (though I guess not as bad as I'd imagined). And ate at this toilet-themed restaurant called Modern Toilet; it was pretty amusing, but I think there's a very fine line between hilarious and disgusting, hah.

But yea, ended up getting overly drunk on more occasions than I probably should have, and I'm sure my liver has suffered an untold amount of damage, hahaha. So we went clubbing one night at Plush, and I got so wasted I drank CANDLE WAX cuz it was in a cup that LOOKed like the same cups we were drinking out of. And I supposedly didn't stop (and for some reason my friends didn't stop me), even when they TOLD me it was wax (assuming I couldn't tell by taste)... Yea, I don't remember the 2nd half of that night, and I didn't find out about the wax thing until they told me the next day. >_< Oh yea, and I don't remember getting on the taxi to go home that night, and I don't remember getting off either. I just remember that the taxi dropped me off like several blocks away from where it should have, and I was walking walking walking for a looooong time before I got home. I'm actually VERY surprised I knew which way to walk- it's like a MIRACLE I made it home that time. -_-

Sites hit this time: 45 Pub, The Bed(?), Plush, Lava, Luxy, Kama Lounge, Person, Barcode

But yea, I guess I was just savoring the flavor of the whole trip and trying to take it all in, cuz once I started working, it seems like vacations are few and far between, and I imagine I probably won't get the chance to go back again for awhile. =/


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