Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Living With the Parents. So my parents have been staying at my place for almost 2 weeks now, and I guess it hasn't been quite as bad as I imagined, but it hasn't exactly been a picnic either. They sleep in my living room, so if I come home late at night, I have to try to be super sneaky so as not to wake them up; and they sleep early, so then I’m basically cooped up in my room once they go to bed. The first couple days were probably the worst. Like my mom comes in and starts moving ALL my furniture and stuff around. And now, granted after I had a couple days to reflect on it, I decided it DID make more sense HER way, but like, I'm a creature of habit, and it just totally throws me off when my well-established routines get shuffled around.

And they bought me a dining table, and I dunno, it's alright, but it's just not really my style. But now that they've bought it for me, the azn cheapness in me will never throw it out- so now I'll have a table I’m not crazy about for the next like 5 years or more. And I guess that's a good overall analogy for why I was afraid of my parents living with me: after awhile, I'm living the life THEY want me to lead, and not the life I want for myself. Like when it was just me on my own and shopping for my own cups and dishware, my mom gave me a piece of advice that I really liked: "don't get too fixated on price; just buy something you LIKE and would be happy keeping for years." It's those kinds of small day-by-day decisions that add up to how you define your lifestyle, I think- like over the years, you start building your own style among the stuff you own and decorate your place with, and I can’t help but feel like my “style” right now is being skewed more towards my mom’s tastes. =/

On the plus side though, I haven't had to buy groceries, cook, or do dishes (well, use the dishwasher in my case, hah) since they got here, so it hasn't ALL been bad, heh.

Oh yea, so my parents signed up for dealer school here (like blackjack and craps)- I was kinda jealous, haha. They’ll probably finish that up in ~2 weeks then head out to LA. But yea, beyond that, they really have no certain gameplan for their long-term living situation though (or if they do, they haven't told me). They casually mention maybe settling down in Vegas, even though I've told them before, I don't see myself staying here for more than another year or 2 (if they really DO become dealers though, it might just work out). In my mind though, I think maybe their most viable options are to either buy a smaller place back in Dallas or just move back to Taiwan. But I dunno, maybe they're enjoying living the carefree life and not being tied down anywhere. I have no idea, but the uncertainty of it all is a little bit unsettling and irritating for me. =/


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