Friday, May 18, 2007

Protein Packs a Punch. So my brother linked me a bargain from the forums of Slickdeals (my favorite discount site; FatWallet is alright too) for some protein supplement powders today. He said he's used them before and they worked pretty well. I thought about it all day, but eventually the Asian in me couldn't resist a bargain, so I caved and ordered some.

You know, I've been (jokingly) accused of using steroids a few times cuz of my build. And I can always laugh it off cuz I DON'T (and hope I never will). Then the next question is often whether I take protein supplements, to which I also answer "no." Now, I'm not averse to like downing a powerbar or grabbing a smoothie with protein in it after a work out, but I've never been one to go buy creatine or those protein powder (supplements) mixes for regular use. (I usually prefer to eat a steak or something meaty after a workout to get my protein fix.) Like I typically consider protein supplements juuuust short of the boundary where it becomes "cheating" to get your muscles (; creatine rides the line in my opinion).

There's a comfort in knowing that your muscles are "all natural," a certain bit of satisfaction that comes with being able to look at your physique in the mirror and know that that was all YOU. No shortcuts, no magic potions, just your own blood, sweat, and tears. And you can take pride in that, because it's one of the few things in life where you can actually see your hard work paying off, and you can hold yourself accountable for it.

But I worry I'll start on this protein, and I won't know if future changes in my build are cuz I was trying harder or if it was just the protein supplements. Like ok, I remember playing Soul Blade (the first game in the Soul Caliber series) way back when. And in that game, everyone's searching for this mythical super weapon, the "Soul Edge," to save their village, gain power, rule the world, whatever... typical video game stuff. And I think it was in the ending for the samurai character(?), he finally attains the Soul Edge, and it IS a wondrous sword, but he can tell that it's evil, and if he were to keep using it, eventually it would take over, and it would be the sword in control and not him. And it's kinda like that with the protein powder for me. Now, I'm not calling protein powder evil or anything, but if I were to stay on it for awhile, eventually would I be able to tell if the muscles were me or the protein?

Or what if I know it's all the supplement but love it anyways? And I'm afraid that's a slippery slope. I'm not as power hungry now as I used to be when I was a hormonally charged teenager, but I remember that getting bigger & stronger always felt good. The power is addicting; otherwise why would I bother to keep working out? (Well, to tell the truth, I kinda like the image of power more than the power itself, heh). And it presents me with an Uchiha Sasuke-esque moral dilemma as to how far I would go to attain power. What if the protein supplements weren't enough? I wonder if after protein powder I would turn to anabolic steroids, "vitamin S" as I often jokingly refer to it. It's a dangerous temptation, to have that kinda power dangling in front of you (when you've exhausted your other options). Maybe I had kinda just always wanted to save protein supplements as the last ace up my sleeve if I ever needed more power in a pinch. And what if (when) I stop taking the supplements and the muscles shrink? Would I be ok with that, or would I be addicted and "need" to get back on it? I just don't know the answer to that right now. =/ Yea, I dunno, usually when you have to think this hard about something, it's probably not a good idea. But hey, I bought the supplements already, and the Asian in me probably won't bear to let it go to waste. -_-

And also, I was thinking, like when I'm in the gym and I see skinny folk on protein supplements, I'm like fine, no big deal, they need it anyways. But when I see big guys taking them, I'm like ok, you freaking MEAT head... and I'm afraid that'll be me in the near future. Double standard? Just jealous? Yea, maybe so, but I won't lie and tell you that's not how I feel.

On another note, I was out drinking with some coworkers at a casino a couple weekends ago, and I was wearing a muscle shirt. And this black lady walks up to us and says to me, "You probably get this all the time, but 'mmm-mmm-MMM! Milk has done a body GOOD!'" I managed out a bewildered "thanks?" and after she walked away, me and my coworkers couldn't stop laughing, hahaha.


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