Sunday, February 04, 2007

So for my b-day weekend, Michael, other Michael, and my brother came to Vegas to visit. They got in late Friday, and we went straight to the casinos. We pulled an all-nighter gambling, and I think it was around 4 in the afternoon or so on Saturday when we finally called it a "night," haha. Oh yea, and there was a good deal of drinking involved as well... (of course). And buffet action. Saturday night was more gambling, though we called it quits pretty early. They left Sunday, and I plopped on my couch and just vegged out for the rest of the day watching the Super Bowl. But yea, I ended up around $400 from the casinos, which is the most I've ever won before (woulda been even more if I knew when to walk away, hah), so I was pretty happy. I've noticed I throw my money around a lot more recklessly at the tables now that it's my own "hard-earned" *ahem* money as opposed to borrowed money from the parents. I think the casino term for a reckless bettor is "gorilla" or something(?), which is kinda cool, cuz I do rather like the idea of being a large primate, hahaha. =P


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