Monday, February 19, 2007

It’s a sad, sad day in a young engineer’s life when he realizes that he probably needs to be wearing a pocket protector. The epitome of geek (anti-)chic that just begs for a wedgie, a swirlie, or to get your lunch money taken away... possibly all at the same time.

I recently noticed ink stains on the front pockets of my dress shirts, and I was horrified by the implications. It’s like when guys start finding thick clumps of hair in the shower drain and are hesitant to admit that it may be time for Rogaine, hah.

I dunno, the funny thing is that I actually have pocket protectors. A couple of them, to tell the truth. Compliments of the college of engineering. I just CAN’T bring myself to use them. I think I’d rather have ink blotches on my shirt. *le sigh* Man, it's weird though, I haven't cared this much about physical appearances since high school... kids can be so cruel, ahahah.


Blogger Ed said...

HA! Pocket protectors.... I keep all my pens tucked behind my ear. Then I look like a baffoon when I forget that I have one and I start digging for one. What's even worse is when I have pens behind BOTH ears.

But the life of an engineer can be hard... Keep your head dry!

3/25/2007 10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I put my pens/pencils in my mouth like if i've got my hands full, and no where to put it(even though I'm only carrying one thing). Plus you never lose/misplace it.
Though the downside is when people borrow your pen/pencil, you don't know what they've been doing with that hand recently since I know they wouldn't want to know what I was doing with mine....


3/30/2007 5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tuck a pen behind my ear. This can be problematic, though, especially when I have long hair. The long hair covers my ears so neither I nor anyone else realizes there's a pen tucked behind my ear. So, when the pen falls out (and it inevitably does), it always creates an awkward moment.


4/11/2007 9:43 PM  

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