Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Henchmen in Training. So Bee took me & Michael to the shooting range, Bullet Trap, over on Park & Ave K. It was the first time I'd ever been; (well, if you don't count shooting the M-16 in Vietnam, but) this was the first time I'd ever shot pistols. Bee brought his HK USP(?) that shot .40 S&W's, and his Springfield XD9 shooting 9mm Lugers. Michael brought his dad's .38 revolver.

But yea, the recoil was a LOT stronger than I imagined. Like, you play those arcade games like Time Crisis and Virtua Cop, and you think you're such a hotshot. The truth is, it's (relatively) easy to put the sight on the target, the tricky part is holding it there while an explosion is (literally) going off in your hand. Yea, actually doing it and seeing how hard it is to hit a target kinda puts things in perspective. You kinda feel for those evil henchmen in the movies, when the boss tells them to kill the hero, and they're all shooting, but the hero manages to escape unscathed... it really IS hard to hit stuff... You gotta spend a looootta time at the shooting range if you wanna hope to ever kill the hero, heheh. *le sigh* Good henchmen are hard to find. =P

I probably shot best with the 9mm, since it kicked the least. The grip on the XD9 felt too short except with the extended clip though. The .40 wasn't too bad either. I was pretty awful with the revolver though. It had a double action trigger, which means that pulling the trigger both cocks the hammer and shoots. The really long trigger pull required to do this always made my aim awful. I tried it doing the single action thing too, cocking the hammer separately before pulling the trigger, and that made things a little better, but not much.

Anyways, it was a lot of fun, and vaguely kinda addicting. Like, I don't know, afterwards, I found myself wanting to own a gun. This, despite my usually vaguely favoring tougher gun control laws. I mean, when it comes down to it, I can't really think of a real life situation in which I'd actually shoot someone (; in a self-defense situation, I'd like to think I'd opt for fists, feet, and maybe a knife or two). But I guess I can't begrudge other ppl having 'em for self-defense. After going shooting, I spent like the whole evening reading about handguns on Wikipedia, haha. Anyways, yea, I can't honestly justify getting myself a gun, but I can't deny that I want one, hahaha. In that sense, I guess it's like me and the whole getting a tattoo thing, haha.


Blogger Tink said...

haha yeah the first time shot guns was with my ex. he lives out on a farm and i got to shoot a couple of rifles and a few pistols. got to also shoot a .40 haha... almost knocked myself unconcious with that thing.

fun stuff though huh? =) me likey guns!

3/01/2007 4:59 PM  

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