Thursday, December 07, 2006

It is done... I've signed with a company, and my one-year search for a job is over and done. It's with the Bechtel SAIC Company, LLC (or BSC) out in Las Vegas. I'll be working on the (in)famous Yucca Mountain Project.

So what is the Yucca Mountain Project? Well, in a nutshell, many years back, our government rounded up the best & brightest minds they could find, and after a bit of deliberation, it was decided that the best long-term storage solution for our nation's nuclear/radioactive waste was to bury it (ALL of it) inside of a mountain- Yucca Mountain. And yea, I dunno how I personally feel about the environmental implications of this undertaking, but I agree that it's a better solution than just leaving the waste where it is. I fit into the equation by running thermal/stress analysis on the nuclear waste containers.

So anyways, this mountain's about 100 miles out from Vegas on government land (like a former military test site, I think). And the office where I'll be working at is about 15 miles northwest of the Strip, in the suburbs. My start date is January 8th, so I'll probably fly out like a couple days before.

But yea, this whole job is so far removed from anything I had envisioned myself ever doing, so I'm not completely sure what to make of it yet. But well, I figure I should at least give it a try? *le sigh* The initial reaction of most ppl when I tell 'em that I'm working with nuclear waste is laughter, shock, or disbelief. Michael was like, "yea, I dunno about that job, man, not if you ever wanna have kids," ahahaha. Heh, but in all seriousness, I'm hoping I don't ever have to be in the direct vicinity of any actual waste. I dunno, we'll see where it all goes. By strange twist of fate, I found out that the Mouse's dad actually works for this company too, so I guess things are kinda looking up. Hope for the best...


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