Catch-22. So my 22nd birthday (Friday) went pretty alright. The Spring engineering job fair was that morning; went alright I guess. I got an interview with NAVAIR on Monday; my first serious one. =O I was so antsy about the fair the night before that I couldn’t sleep till like 4 though. =/ Oh, and in those wee hours of the morning, I managed to spill water ALL OVER my laptop! I wiped off the water I could see and continued using the comp. Then like a few minutes later, the ‘n’ key stopped working, but I kept on. Then a little later, pressing like any key would pop out the wrong letter, and I was like oh CRAP! So I shut down the computer and took to it with a blowdryer. To my delight, the comp worked normally after that. *whew* That was quite a scare though. Teaches me not to be so careless with the wires around my comp anymore (it was the headphones cord that tipped the cup of water when my leg snagged it).
Anyways, at night, me and like the hugest posse I’ve ever successfully gathered for any kind of occasion joined me for dinner at Texas Land & Cattle Co. I’m reminded of a card I saw at PostSecret some time back that was like: [I tell people that I don’t like to celebrate, but I’m really just afraid no one would come.] I always felt/feel like that, and I guess I was pleasantly surprised, so that was pretty heartwarming. It was actually perhaps a little too large a group to handle successfully- hard to talk to people at the very ends of the table.
After dinner, me and a few other people came back to my place with the intention of pre-gaming before going down to 6th. Well, we started drinking, and I’m not 100% sure why, but we never ended up down at 6th. I had wanted to hit a total of 22 drinks before the night was over, but I only made it to around like 17 or 18ish. I learned that that saying: “Beer before liquor, never been sicker. Liquor before beer, time of the year.” is equally true if you substitute wine for beer. Didn’t throw up, but just felt really queasy and nauseous once I started hitting the hard stuff, which brought my marathon-22 to a grinding halt. Which is not to say I didn’t have fun, I did. But I don’t recall how we managed to kill like 4 hours last night though. Like, I know we made guacamole, sandwiches, and sushi (all while drunk); and I think I owned at SET even when I was drunk; and I remember trying to gel my sideburns like straight out sideways… other than that, I have no idea what we did.
The next night, I went to a party for Maria’s b-day. And this time, I got thoroughly inebriated. The fun started at Trudy’s, where through the usual tricky ordering through proxy, I managed to get myself 4 Mexican martinis (whereas they would usually cut you off at two). It was all downhill from there... or up depending on how you look at it. =P Afterwards, we proceeded to move the party to the top of Maria’s apartment complex. Several drinks (and a few cupcakes) later, I have very little recollection of what happened; though apparently much of the night’s antics were caught on candid camera.
For the Superbowl, I went over to Khoa’s place for “Fry-Day”. He has himself a deep fryer, so we fried up all kindsa stuff like chicken, French fries, oreos, twinkies, and cheesecake (which ended up a mess). It was pretty tasty going down, but my stomach felt awful afterwards. It’s one of those things that afterwards you promise yourself you’ll never do it again, but inevitably you will. The actual game was just alright. I think after the Rose Bowl, nothing could possibly compare in terms of excitement.
Anyways, at night, me and like the hugest posse I’ve ever successfully gathered for any kind of occasion joined me for dinner at Texas Land & Cattle Co. I’m reminded of a card I saw at PostSecret some time back that was like: [I tell people that I don’t like to celebrate, but I’m really just afraid no one would come.] I always felt/feel like that, and I guess I was pleasantly surprised, so that was pretty heartwarming. It was actually perhaps a little too large a group to handle successfully- hard to talk to people at the very ends of the table.
After dinner, me and a few other people came back to my place with the intention of pre-gaming before going down to 6th. Well, we started drinking, and I’m not 100% sure why, but we never ended up down at 6th. I had wanted to hit a total of 22 drinks before the night was over, but I only made it to around like 17 or 18ish. I learned that that saying: “Beer before liquor, never been sicker. Liquor before beer, time of the year.” is equally true if you substitute wine for beer. Didn’t throw up, but just felt really queasy and nauseous once I started hitting the hard stuff, which brought my marathon-22 to a grinding halt. Which is not to say I didn’t have fun, I did. But I don’t recall how we managed to kill like 4 hours last night though. Like, I know we made guacamole, sandwiches, and sushi (all while drunk); and I think I owned at SET even when I was drunk; and I remember trying to gel my sideburns like straight out sideways… other than that, I have no idea what we did.
The next night, I went to a party for Maria’s b-day. And this time, I got thoroughly inebriated. The fun started at Trudy’s, where through the usual tricky ordering through proxy, I managed to get myself 4 Mexican martinis (whereas they would usually cut you off at two). It was all downhill from there... or up depending on how you look at it. =P Afterwards, we proceeded to move the party to the top of Maria’s apartment complex. Several drinks (and a few cupcakes) later, I have very little recollection of what happened; though apparently much of the night’s antics were caught on candid camera.
For the Superbowl, I went over to Khoa’s place for “Fry-Day”. He has himself a deep fryer, so we fried up all kindsa stuff like chicken, French fries, oreos, twinkies, and cheesecake (which ended up a mess). It was pretty tasty going down, but my stomach felt awful afterwards. It’s one of those things that afterwards you promise yourself you’ll never do it again, but inevitably you will. The actual game was just alright. I think after the Rose Bowl, nothing could possibly compare in terms of excitement.
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