Thursday, June 30, 2005

I had this crazy dream last night (after a night of drunken revelry). It was one of those where you wake up and are like man, that was kinda cool! But yea, I always have these multi-part dreams where like the ground rules and plot are laid out in like an exposition of sorts, and then the rules completely change in the next act(s).

Part I. I find out that the government has secretly been monitoring everyone alive through some kind of biometric surveillance system or something. And they tell me that I'm an unregistered anomaly in the system. Everyone else, every human sends out a signal to their tracking system, but I don't have a signal. They tell me that I'm not a human being and therefore must be eliminated, and thus ensues a big chase scene, followed by hiding out. Just as I'm about to give up, I wind up in a bar/theatre watching (ballet) dancing girls with very moving music playing in the background. And I find myself thinking, if I'm not human, then why is it that I'm moved by this dance? by this music? Are these feelings not what make us human? If I am conscious and fearful of my death, does that not mean I'm human? (Very "I think, therefore I am" kinda stuff.) I decide that regardless of my circumstances, these feelings and my self-awareness are enough to justify my existence, so I want to keep on living. But then the feds show up again and start beating me up, and I block using my arm, then the skin peels away and reveals like electronics underneath. I realize I'm an android, and truly not human after all. Shocked at this, I try to escape again, but they stop me and beat me until I'm terminated. -End Part I- (I've been thinking about this part of my dream a lot today, and it keeps making me think of Blade Runner. Made me think a lot about the nature of A.I. and all kindsa existentialist stuff.)

Part II. I guess if I interpret this part of the dream to be a continuation of everything before, this would be like the afterlife portion. I find out that life is just like an RPG. And the whole phase that we spend in our human bodies is like that newbie phase where you have to complete these mundane tasks before we can evolve and choose like a new character class. I remember centaur, harpy, and sasquatch were like a few of the many "evolved" states we could morph to from human. This part of the dream was all like cartoony and videogamish and stuff. But I woke up while I was still in the character creation portion.


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