Sunday, May 22, 2005

So grade-wise, I guess this semester went roughly as expected. Mostly B's with a smattering of A and C. I ended up with a C in compressible fluid mechanics (supersonic aerodynamics), though I really deserved to fail that one. But it's a required senior-level class that's only offered once a year, and if they failed someone, they'd have to wait a whole 'nother year to graduate. So they basically pass everybody. Yup, I guess this would be my first experience with the much fabled "Gentleman's C," heheh, can't say it felt too bad. =P Part of the reason I did so bad, I guess was that I spent most of the weekend before (that I had meant to study) watching all of Samurai Champloo. It was quite an amusing series, though it seriously was just like Cowboy Bebop set in the samurai era- one reckless guy, one straight-lace, plus a girl. The whole hip-hop theme was kinda weird though.

*Oh yea, and in keeping with my semester-long tradition of turning labs in late, I kept putting off my final compressibles lab for so long that final averages came out before I turned it in. I don't think it got graded. I think I woulda made a B in that class regardless though, so no tears shed over that one. Meh...


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