Thursday, February 10, 2005

For Compressible Fluids Lab today, we did a lab where we got to shoot guns and take pictures (to study shockwaves). We basically took these stripped down rifles, bolted 'em into a tube, and pulled the trigger. It's hardly what you'd even call shooting, but I thought it was really fun nonetheless. I'd never shot a "real" gun before (, and I'm not sure if I can say I have now either). The bullets were pretty piddly- .22's, which I guess might kill something like the size of a rabbit... if you're lucky. But yea, I guess I can understand why guns are glorified so much now- it really does make you feel empowered to wield a "boomstick." I kept the shell from the round I fired (even though I don't think we're supposed to).

Compressible fluids class is like all about transonic/supersonic stuff (i.e. close or above the speed of sound). And anyways, one of the things you learn is that sound and pressure information propagates at the speed of sound. That's why a supersonic plane (or a bullet) can fly past you, and you won't hear it till it passes you. So basically if someone's shooting at you, you won't hear the bullet coming till after it hits you. So anyways, I got to thinking about Daredevil from the Marvel universe. Even if you do have superhuman speed and reaction time, you can't dodge bullets unless you see it. You wouldn't feel it coming either cuz pressure changes only travel at the Mach speed. All this stacks up to lead me to believe that Daredevil should be dead like a billion times over (and not just cuz the movie sucked, hahaha).


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