Thursday, November 25, 2004

We had a pretty uneventful Thanksgiving this year. We actually had our Thanksgiving-esque turkey dinner last night cuz my grandparents left for Taiwan this morning. So tonight, me & my parents went and had dinner at Best Buffet. It was ok I guess, but it just didn't feel much like a holiday per se. It was kinda lonely with the grandparents gone and my brother off in HK. The times change so fast. Be thankful for the moment and hang on to what you can, cuz nothing gold can stay.

Anyways, after dinner, I was feeling antsy and wanted to do something, so I went and watched Spiderman 2 at the dollar theatre. I liked it better than the first. The theme of not being able to do/have what you want in life really resonated with me. I also liked the "smart but lazy" thing, hahaha. Ah, the curse of all of us, heheh.


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