Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Dat Phan, winner of NBC's Last Comic Standing, performed his stand-up act at the Union tonight. It was pretty good, but as expected, he basically just recycled half his jokes. But yea, man, the humorous nature of fobs just never ceases to amuse. His act reminded me a lot of Margaret Cho's early material, but he admitted to it, and I guess that a lot of break-out Asian comedians rely on jokes about culture. I don't blame 'em though- it's funny stuff. Afterwards, during his Q&A session, he expressed some views about cultural identity/mentality that I really agreed with.

*I also went in for early voting this afternoon. I dunno, I guess I thought it'd be a lot more exciting, but it was just like *click-click-click* and that was it. I dunno though- my study of government and the readings I've done on my own have made me somewhat disillusioned with the whole governmental process. I'm not sure what my feelings are about this electoral college thing, but I'd say it's skeptical at best. Oh well, I still go through the actions in this puppet show and do the whole civic duty thing and all.


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