Monday, October 11, 2004

...but all that meant nothing to you apparently
once again I poured my emotions out into a vacuum
You've hurt me again, and so quickly too.
That's twice that I gave you my heart, twice that you pretended to care
2 for 2- that's a pretty good record, I'd say
I hope you had your fun; the price of this game is the heart of your victim.
"It's better to have loved and lost..."? Well dang it, how many times do I have to lose it to get the point? Quit beating a dead horse.

I should have trusted my suspicions, trusted my instincts. Why would you want to come back? I have nothing new to offer from the last time. You came out of nowhere saying you wanted to get back together. Nothing good would ever happen without cause.

It's not your fault, though... you can't help what's in your heart. Though you COULD have done without destroying me again. If you felt nothing, why did you tell me you wanted to try again? It's not your fault, but you are undeniably the cause of this pain and anger.

I have no more words for you right now. Please... just... leave me alone for awhile.

"Look at me,
My depth perception must be off again
Cuz this hurts deeper than I thought it did,
It has not healed with time.
It just shot down my spine...
You looked so beautiful tonight
Reminds me how you laid us down
and gently smiled,
Before you destroyed my life...

Would you find it in your heart
To make this go away,
and let me rest in pieces?"
~ Saliva - "Rest in Pieces"


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