Friday, June 18, 2004

On the subject of shorts. I don't know why, but I just really hate wearing shorts. Like I'll wear shorts around the house every once in awhile, but I really much prefer long pants. I think I stopped wearing shorts in public around 7th or 8th grade. I dunno if it's like some kinda subconscious Puritanical "showing your legs is immodest" type of thing or what (though I doubt it), but something deep down in me just absolutely detests wearing shorts. But yea, my mom always gets on my case everytime I come back to Taiwan, saying it'll be too hot for pants. So I pack a couple pairs of shorts, knowing full well that I'm not gonna actually wear any of 'em- but it puts appeases my mom and gets me off the hook, so it's all good, I guess.

I also don't particularly like wearing hats either. Can't really explain this one either. Maybe it's because I used to spend so much time on hair that wearing a hat (and causing hat hair) would be like defiling a work of art. =P Naw, I think my dislike of hats goes back further than my hair-combing history though. I dunno, just gets me thinking about how there's a lot of things that you grow up to like or dislike, and thinking back, you can't find a really good reason for it. Curious.

*Fish Eyeballs! I used to looooooove eating those things as a kid. Then one day something snapped, and suddenly they were disgusting. I mean, I'll still eat 'em if I'm put on the spot, but I get kinda squeamish. I think maybe it's cuz I don't like the idea of something looking at me on the way down. It's just weeieieieieird. Also weird how things that never bothered you as a kid will bug the hell out of you when you grow up, eh?

"I'm gonna rip out your eyeballs and stick 'em up your butt so you can watch me kick your @$$!" ~unknown


Blogger Tink said...

if you don't wear shorts, what do you wear when you go swimming?

6/18/2004 8:17 PM  
Blogger LK said...

I hate wearing shorts as well. Its because I get cold everywhere.... No matter how hot it is.

6/22/2004 11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hate shorts too, ever since people made fun of my pale legs in highschool. never again, unless i go to sleep.

taiji legacy is coming up...... ........ yeah
~ pines0l

6/22/2004 8:03 PM  

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