Friday, May 21, 2004

Man, I got owned this semester. This semester was the worst yet. This marks the first semester that I have not gotten "University Honors." But yea, dang, funny how you'll think you whupped up in a course, then out of nowhere pops the B, and you're just like where the heck did THAT come from? Blugggg... this one was so unexpected too: linear algebra. Linear algebra is easy, right? Yea, I thought so too; and I certainly thought that when I took every test and the exam, but I guess that's the risk of taking M340L with Dr. Guy: you never know what you're making in the class until final averages come out, and then you're just stuck wondering. Blehhhh... I so made an A in that class, I don't know what happened, GRAGGGHHHH!

Anyways, there's been a steady downward progression in my grades. First semester- 0 B's; 2nd semester- 1 B; 3rd semester- 2 B's; 4th (this) semester- 3 B's. Man, that's a straight linear progression there. If the trend continues, things don't look so good, considering I'm basically only taking 4 "real" classes next semester. Must... buck... the trend! Man, gone are the days when I can be all cocky about grades and go around thinking I'm smart or something. =/ Oh well, better luck next time, I suppose...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

=/ i can relate, mine is negative correlation also heh, gotta go against the grain


5/24/2004 3:49 PM  

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