Sunday, April 04, 2004

mother#*@%! I just busted my clock! I was adjusting the time, cuz of daylight savings and all. So I hang it back on the wall, and walk back to my desk; then it just falls right off the wall, the glass pane shatters, and scatters glass all over the fricking place. I swiffered and used the sticky part of some post-it notes to pick up the shards. Hopefully that did the trick.

*Upon further inspection, it seems that the tack fell out of the bulletin board thingy; therefore, my investigation and panel (of one) review pins the blame solely on the bulletin board and not on myself, heheh. On the bright side though, turned out the clock still works (apparently) when I popped the battery back in- I'll have to watch it carefully these next few days to see if it loses minutes or anything though.


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