Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Alright, I've resolved to stop popping my knuckles. These days, about once a week, I wake up with the joints in one or more fingers stiff and not entirely mobile. The second joint of a given finger'll look a bit fat and hurt to bend very much. Most people don't pop this joint; I don't know really know how or why I came to do it myself. But yea, so I pop (most) fingers in two spots each- I suppose if you didn't know what I was doing and sat there and listened counting the pops, you'd think I had more than 10 fingers or something, haha. Anyways, since it's a hard feat to just suddenly stop popping altogether one day, I'm gonna use the step-down method (kinda like those tobacco patches or something). My plan is to first stop popping all second joints (the site of the immediate pain). If that goes well, then I'll step it up and try to quit cold turkey, but at this point that sounds like a hell of a lot to ask my subconscious.

And subconscious it is- I start popping when I get nervous or otherwise antsy, without even thinking about it. Like I decided to quit this morning, and two or three times today I caught myself mid-sequence (cuz every habitual popper has got a routine that they go through to make sure they don't miss any fingers). It's like the hands move without the mind commanding them to. Hell, I've had to stop myself about 5 times during the span of time it took me to blog this entry, hahaha. Oh wait, make it 6, hahaha.

But yea, maybe that pain is rheumatism that's aggravated by coming rain; like I've read books where old people can tell when there's a storm a-brewin' cuz they feel it in their bones. I haven't made like a log of joint pain vs. weather, so I can only hypothesize. But yea, maybe that'd be like a mixed blessing/curse in the old days. They'd think old people were like shamans (shamen? shapersons? Shah Reza Pahlavi??) cuz they could predict the weather. Haha, if I could go back in time... I would rule with an iron fist! hahaha =P

"I bet a fun thing would be to go way back in time to where there was going to be an eclipse and tell the cave men, 'If I have come to destroy you, may the sun be blotted out from the sky.' Just then the eclipse would start, and they'd probably try to kill you or something, but then you could explain about the rotation of the moon and all, and everyone would get a good laugh."
~Jack Handey


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