Friday, March 26, 2004

Me, Flash, Deep Dish, and Moose went and watched Tripletts of Belleville at Dobie tonight. I dunno, I wasn't all that impressed with the whole thing. I mean, it wasn't bad, but I would have picked Finding Nemo as animated feature of the year over it also. Maybe I'm spoiled by all the anime I watch, but I just find those outlandish character designs to be slightly off-putting. And the movie kinda slips in there between what you expect of a serious cartoon and complete slapstick- kinda wishywashy about how seriously the audience is supposed to take it, in my opinion. But anyways, they showed the Salvador Dali/Walt Disney collaboration short movie Destino, which I did like. It was really trippy, as one would expect of a Dali work. So, Destino: thumbs up. Tripletts: thumb sideways (like how Zangief does it in the live-action Street Fighter movie, haha).


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