Man, it's always hard finding out that you're not as smart as you think. Seriously, this semester has just been terrible for me- a series of miscommunications, mishaps, and a pinch (more like an entire handful) of laziness thrown in for good measure. Man, I wish I could just load up a save point and redo it all. =/ But yea, yesterday was just terrible. I go to fluids class, and the professor asks to talk to me after class, during which he proceeds to tell me: "So the hw grader tells me you're an idiot..." Well, maybe not in so many words, but that was the general gist of it. Ugghh, have I mentioned how much I HATE fluid mechanics? I'm for real: if you ever have to take a fluid mechanics class, CRY, and cry a lot- get it all out of your system.
Did a bit of voting this week. I decided to do my civic duty and voted for my first time in the primaries. I did the early voting thing, which turned out to be absolutely pointless, cuz I voted for Edwards- right before he took a beating on Super Tuesday and withdrew from the race. First Howard Dean then Edwards... man, how come my choice candidates always disappoint? =/ I also voted for student government. Man, this year's election has been surrounded by so much controversy- I don't see why they get so worked up over this, ugghhh. Too much drama. It's my personal opinion that the student government really holds little to no power anyways. It's all just bravado to make students think we actually have a say in things. Do they think having an official SG resolution saying that tuition shouldn't be raised would actually get them to lower tuition? Did they really think that passing that resolution saying we didn't support the war on Iraq in its opening days would have any effect at all on troop movements? Dude, they need a party that's like "Reality Check" or something. I think that Bears Can't Vote party had a platform that was kinda like that, but it's hard to take a party seriously when the presidential candidate shows up for a televised debate dressed in a snowman costume, haha.
*Oh yea, man, I always work up a sweat doing my laundry. It's frustrating cuz I tend to shower right before doing laundry, but then afterwards I feel all dirty again. Blehhhh...
Did a bit of voting this week. I decided to do my civic duty and voted for my first time in the primaries. I did the early voting thing, which turned out to be absolutely pointless, cuz I voted for Edwards- right before he took a beating on Super Tuesday and withdrew from the race. First Howard Dean then Edwards... man, how come my choice candidates always disappoint? =/ I also voted for student government. Man, this year's election has been surrounded by so much controversy- I don't see why they get so worked up over this, ugghhh. Too much drama. It's my personal opinion that the student government really holds little to no power anyways. It's all just bravado to make students think we actually have a say in things. Do they think having an official SG resolution saying that tuition shouldn't be raised would actually get them to lower tuition? Did they really think that passing that resolution saying we didn't support the war on Iraq in its opening days would have any effect at all on troop movements? Dude, they need a party that's like "Reality Check" or something. I think that Bears Can't Vote party had a platform that was kinda like that, but it's hard to take a party seriously when the presidential candidate shows up for a televised debate dressed in a snowman costume, haha.
*Oh yea, man, I always work up a sweat doing my laundry. It's frustrating cuz I tend to shower right before doing laundry, but then afterwards I feel all dirty again. Blehhhh...
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