Monday, March 01, 2004

I ended up pulling an all-nighter last night. The result? A lab report that I'm kinda iffy on and math hw that turned out wasn't even due. But yea, man, that lab report confirms it: I have absolutely no idea what the heck is going on in fluid mechanics. That class just isn't intuitive to me at all. Blehhh, really makes me rethink this whole aerospace thing. =/ The all-nighter got me sick again too... just after I'd recovered from that last illness. Suxorz.

So yea, I uninstalled Diablo 2. =( It was a tough decision, VERY hard. But in the end, I think it was for the best- it just wasn't doing good things for me. So I'm gonna try to break this addiction by quitting cold turkey. It's kinda funny, I had this post-it note stuck to my play cd for all of last week reading "No Diabo till Friday!" Well, this week I scratched out the word "Friday" and replaced it with "EVER!" and stuck it over my computer, haha. But yea, oh how it calls to me, and I find myself hard-pressed to resist its siren's call... my PRECIOUS! hahaha, but seriously, in the game, when you first get to Diablo, he says something like, "Not even DEATH can save you from me!" Funny, I had always thought it was a statement to your avatar in-game, but only now do I realize the bitter irony: he was talking about real-life, and how the thought of playing will chase and haunt you long after you've popped that CD out. *le-sigh* =/


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