Sunday, February 15, 2004

Uggghhh, it's been a harsh week... It's been marked with a stark inability to finish anything I start. I just haven't been able to finish ANY of my hw assignments this week. And maybe it's just too little effort too late, but it's absolutely depressing... absolutely.

A large part of it might be my reintroduction to the world of Diablo; more specifically, Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction. Tony gave me his CD key, which was greatly appreciated, but uggghhh, it's all been downhill from there. A lot of my free time seems to disappear into that game. Hours upon hours. I'll start playing after dinner, and the next thing I know, it's 5 in the morning. It's an addiction in the truest sense of the word- I need my D2 fix. I just can't stop. "I don't neeeeeed your help. I can quit... any time." Hahaha, I think I need some computer game rehab. Seriously.

It snowed on the Friday night. Quite surprising; yea, on average, it seems to snow about once a year here- last year they cancelled school for a day and a half. Anyways, so it was like 2am, and I was showering to sleep, and I get called out of the shower by my friends to go out and play in the snow. It was fun though. People were sliding down that hill in front of Andrews in laundry baskets, but I didn't have a basket so I slid down on my stomach- I felt like a penguin, hahah. Me, Terry, Chris, and some of his friends made a snowman and put it on the Andrews 4th floor balcony by moving it one body segment at a time. It was heavy as hell, haha.

So yesterday was Valentine's Day. Huh, whatever- just another day of the single life. D2'ed the whole day. Eventually ended up going down to Noodle-ism for dinnerwith Yilin to visit Kent at work. Great food, great environment. On the way back, we decided to do that thing where you're driving in a car and knock down a line of cones. But in our slight hesitation, we went too slow, and instead of going flying, the cones just kinda got stuck under the car. Then this parking attendant guy pops up out of nowhere and stops us and gives us a guilt trip. =/ After that, I played poker with Terry, Tony, Allen, and Paul for a couple hours. They play for pushups, which I think is just plain silly, but it's amusing to see people straining on their last couple couple pushups, hahaha. Yup, so that's been my week/weekend.


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