Tuesday, February 03, 2004

So today was my real birthday. Man, it's been such a long and stressful day. =/ I was supposed to wake up early to finish my hw, but funny how quickly another 5 minutes turns into another 3 hours when hitting the snooze button, hahaha. When I finally crawled out of bed, I had to pound a mountain dew before frantically cranking out some BS that could pass for fluid mechanics hw. Barely finished in time... errr, "finished" in it's very loosest definition, haha. Powerwalked to class. About 30 minutes into class, I had to pee sooooooo badly. (I suddenly recalled the diuretic properties of caffeinated beverages.) I'm already pretty lost in that class, and I can't afford to miss any notes or lecture- so I decided to stay. It's ok, I can hold it, I thought. An hour into class, I was starting to squirm in my chair and crossing my legs. I musta pulled my cell phone out of my pocket every 2 minutes to check the time, haha. It doesn't help at all that the class is all about fluid mechanics, hahaha. I count down the minutes till the professor finally lets out class, and I do a pained hobbling limp up to the 2nd floor bathroom of WRW. Ahhh, relief...

Later, I had to cram even more hw that was due at 5pm, and then I had ballroom dance class till 9ish. This is the first chance I've had all day to relax. And then to top it off, I think I caught a cold from my roommate. =/ Ugghhh... what a long day.

But yea, anyways, reflecting on the birthday, man, it's funny where all the years go, huh? The big 2-0. I dunno though, in retrospect, the teenage years were highly overrated. I musta missed some kinda important lesson on how to have fun or something. Gone are the days... but you know what? I don't think I really miss 'em. Here's to a new beginning, a new me... 20.


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