Wednesday, February 04, 2004

So I'm getting kicked out of the honors dorm next year.... @#$%! I got my housing contract today, and enclosed was a letter saying I'm not being offered a room in the Honors Residence Hall next year. They said they were weeding people out based on a criteria involving cumulative GPA (check) and continuance in an honors program (check), which is utter BS. Not to blow my own horn or anything, but I am so more qualified than some others. The only reason they have for kicking me out is that I'm gonna be a 3rd year student. Blahhhh... I shudder at the thought of living with the "normies," hahaha. Yeecchh, *shudder* *cringe* *faint* hahaha. Anyways, I wrote an e-mail to get put on the waiting list, but the odds are slim at best. =/


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