Saturday, January 03, 2004

*So, let's see what stuff I've done recently...

I've been to Barnes & Noble and Borders several times this break to read manga and graphic novels. Read the first 4 books of the "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" manga series. It's supposedly based on the original novels, just like the movie, so it's kinda like getting the backstory behind the movie, I guess. Read the first part of Watchmen in the store and liked it so much I decided to buy it. It's a classic in the world of comics, I hear. But yea, I'll talk more about this one when I finish it.

Started and finished playing Grim Fandango. It's a computer game that's roughly similar to Monkey Island. Bought it a couple years ago off the discount rack and never got around to playing it till now. According to the cd case, it's an "epic tale of crime and corruption in the land of the dead." That sounds about right. Anyways, I thought the story was quite entertaining, and that's how I typically judge games of this nature. But yea, I'd never be able to beat it without a walkthrough- thank goodness for, haha

Went to GameWorks at Grapevine Mills. Leeching off the unlimited play for ladies, mwahaha. Played pool & pingpong at UTD with friends.

Movies watched recently: Love Actually, Underworld, Big Fish, Brother Bear. In order of how much I liked them. Love Actually was as good as I'd heard; very lighthearted and funny. I found Underworld surprisingly entertaining, despite the bad reviews- probably proving once again that I've got bad taste in movies, hahaha. Big Fish was alright I guess, a little happy and a little sad at the same time, but not as trippy as the commercials made it out to be. And Brother Bear is typical Disney fare. But yea, they've been showing that Coke commercial with Delux_247 before all the movies, and I laugh every single time. "Now, when your career starts popping off, it's mandatory you get the nice rims(?). Now, I'm not about being all flashy, but when I saw these, I was like, 'these are all me son.' *spin*" ~Delux_247


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