Monday, December 08, 2003

Ok, I'm soooo freaking full right now. We went to McDonald's, and Me & Allen downed a 50 tub of chicken nuggets... EACH! It was so hoss. And we had Michael, Tony, and Sammy there as witnesses. It's funny how the first 10 or so taste so good, and it gradually degrades to a feeling of utter disgust towards the end. Also funny how at the beginning, a nugget only takes 2 bites, but towards the end it takes like 5. To tell the truth, I honestly didn't think I'd finish- right around 35, you're like there's no freaking way... Allen was leading up until the very end, and that was like my sole motivation to keep going- just not to get shown up. And then I stole the lead with about 5 left to go. But yea, I guess it was more like teamwork than competition- we had to keep encouraging each other to keep going. Like, "20 more," "10 more," "5 more." And your mouth just keeps chewing, but you just don't want to swallow anymore, haha. It took over an hour to finally finish. It got so painful towards the end, but I don't regret it. Pain is temporary, bragging rights are forever!


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