Monday, November 03, 2003

*Had quite an interesting weekend. First, Darius, Irene, and Joyce came down from Dallas on Thursday. Went to the Union and just hung out.

On Friday, a large group of people (including the aforementioned) went to Din Ho for lunch and Red Lobster for dinner. Man, I don't get why some of my friends like Red Lobster so much... it's like a slightly more upscale version of Long John Silver's or something. But yea, dinner didn't sit particularly well. We went to Kent's place for some prepartying, but I just couldn't hold down my "firewater." I tossed my cookies twice, within a very short duration, and long before taking in enough spirits to be satisfactorily inebriated. Man, is it a sign of alcoholism to wanna get smashed so badly? Haha, but dang it, I neeeeed it, ugghh, it's been such a long week. So yea, we went down to Sixth, since it's supposedly the cool spot to be on a Halloween night, I guess. No one really dressed up with a serious costume though; D. Yeh kinda dressed up as a robber/terrorist, and Kent donned some of his pimp apparel, but that was it. But yea, maybe we just got there late or something, but I remember it being a lot more packed last year. So we went to Paradox (as usual), and we were probably only in the club for like 15 minutes before we went out and couldn't get back in without paying again. So we decide to go home, but apparently it's past 3am and the buses have stopped running. So we try hailing a cab, but they're all either full already or just plain sheisty. We ended up walking from 6th Street all the way back to campus (or Alan's place, on 27th)! It sucked horrendously. We stopped off in front of the capitol building along the way and chilled for a bit, took some incriminating photos/videos of Kent & D.Yeh, haha. But yea, by the time I got home and into bed, it was 6:30am already. Blehhh.

On Saturday, we ate at CoCo's and got drinks from the new Tapioca House two doors down. Man, seriously though, that's like an open affront, opening another pearl place so close to the leading dealer. "Them's fightin' words, pardner." But yea, CoCo's definitely could do with some price competition. Anyways, we played at the arcades for a bit, then watched Kill Bill again on computer at Steve's place. Seriously, good movies are so much better on the big screen.

Then on Sunday, after Darius & Irene left, Erika comes into town. So then me, Rex, and Alan go meet up with her at Player's and chill for a bit. yea, it was a fun weekend, but completely unproductive in terms of schoolwork. I didn't get that sudden burst of working spirit/drive/urge to work that I was expecting Sunday night. Man, that means ownage later on this week, hahaha.


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