Saturday, October 18, 2003

TASA night market was held tonight on main mall. I must say, it turned out a lot better than I had envisioned. Different Asian clubs set up booths with food, games, etc. Me and the Asian Engineering Society sponsored a DDR booth. It went pretty well, but dang, getting a hold of all the stuff was such a pain in the butt. For the record, anytime someone says you can borrow something "maybe," they really mean "no."

Several groups did performances also. The VSA did their dance thing from last year's Texas Revue- just as great as I remember. UT Wushu didn't wanna perform, so I kinda whipped together a martial arts show with Michael. I did it kind of as a favor to my brother, I guess, since he was largely responsible for coordinating the event. But yea, at first, I thought I'd be able to enlist the help of more people to perform, but that didn't exactly work out. So it ended up just being me & Michael. I said we were the "Wushu Underground," to distinguish ourselves from UT Wushu.

We did some traditional forms, a bit of contemporary, our dramatic reinterpretation of ground fighting, and a two-man fighting set that we choreographed that night. Inspired by Kill Bill, we decided to use red powerade as a prop- we would get a mouthful of powerade, and then one of us would "hit" the other, and we'd spew out the powerade as if it were blood. And we threw in a couple moves spoofing The Matrix that I thought were funny, but that Michael said were "omg, sooo gaaaaaaaay" - I guess I'm just more easily amused, haha. And of course, I had to add in the People's elbow (the wrestling move). And then we ended with our trademark sword impalement & decapitation. I thought the performance was kinda fun actually- I figured out that if I just tune out the audience completely, I don't care if I'm making a fool of myself. Things are just a lot more fun when you're not taking yourself too seriously.

But dang, I'm getting so out of shape. We had to take like mini-breaks in between forms since we were so out of breath. I got so sloppy on changquan; I was so tired that my ups were completely gone, and I nearly fell down cuz I landed a lot sooner than I expected on my jump front. Blehhh, gotta do some cardio to get back in shape. And I hurt myself during warmup doing a tornado kick. I guess in a "quickie stretch," I forget to stretch out my back, and I think I pulled it. =/

The night market in general was a lot of fun though. I think it's gonna be an annual event.


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