Saturday, April 05, 2003

We lost! =(

I went with my brother to Patrick's place for a bbq and to watch the basketball game. Well, then the Longhorns lost, and everyone was depressed. =/ Man, they said it's been 50 years since we've been in the Final Four, and then nothing. I dunno, I was never really a big fan of college basketball before- I didn't see what the big deal about it was. It's not until you get to college and have a specific team to root for that you really get into it. And it really helps if the team you're supposed to cheer for is actually any good. But yea, I really had a good bit of team spirit with this basketball team; I haven't been this disappointed in a team's defeat since the Stars lost the Stanley Cup. blaahhh.

*After the game, to relieve some frustration, I went to the arcades to shoot some (virtual) people up... very therapeutic.


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