Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Took a dynamics test today. Didn't do all that hot. Man, I'm really getting behind in that (and every other) class. So yea, last time I secretly took like almost 3 hours for the dynamics test, but this time they kicked us out after 2, so I didn't really finish. And man, during the test, 3 of my erasers broke! Man, it must be the gypsy curse!

*We recently had the door of our room "fixed." It's opens almost completely silently now, but as a side-effect, it doesn't close on it's own anymore. It really bugs the hell out of me, but Nien loves it- he says it encourages people to wander in. But I guess that's exactly what I hate; I mean, why would I want strangers wandering in? And since coming to college, I've become pretty paranoid about locking my door (; probably because they hype us up with all these stories about theft and stuff). And I guess it used to bug me a little before when we'd both leave the dorm and didn't lock the door, but at least it would swing closed and kinda discourage entry. Now, sometimes I'll come back to an empty room with the door wide open, and it's just like nyaaaaagggghhhh! It just irks me when I'm sitting here in the room and Nien leaves the door open. I guess it kind of feels like an opening or weakness or vulnerability of some sort- kinda like how cowboy gunfighters in the old days didn't sit with their backs to a door cuz they were afraid their enemies would sneak in and shoot 'em in the back all of a sudden... yea, I guess it's something like that.


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