Sunday, March 30, 2003

So UCLA was on spring break this week, and Andrew (K.) and Tracy came to visit. On Thursday, I decided to forego homework to chill out with Andrew and his posse. Didn't do much- just sat around and chatted. On Friday, Tracy and Rex had wings with me and the guys. Afterwards, some of us went to LeFun; I decided I'm gonna start building up a character for Gauntlet Legends instead of starting over every time.

Saturday night, there was a Lambda party. I went with my brother's friends Jeni & Sandy. Man, I got pretty wasted (again =/); it's the first time that my vision has been noticeably blurred- it took me a long time to recognize some of my friends. I had a good time, but today at lunch, several people said to me, "yea, I heard you had a LOT of fun last night." Which is kinda weird; I mean, yea it was fun, but if everyone's telling me I had that much fun, maybe I just don't remember. =/ Man, it's kinda funny and kinda sad when you have to hear how much fun you had from other people to know, haha.


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