Monday, March 24, 2003

So me and a couple friends were eating lunch at the union, and our conversation wandered to the topic of cannibalism. And playing devil's advocate (as I often do), I portrayed the practice in a favorable light and espoused some pretty controversial notions. Well, this shady-looking old lady had been eavesdropping on us, and as we were leaving, she came up to us and proceeded to tell me (in her broken english) how "bad" I was. And she told my friends that they shouldn't associate with me, and she was like, "yea, you go. Get out of here," as we were walking away. Man, I dunno, I mean, I may have been making statements that she didn't agree with, but geez, calling me a bad person to my face? That hurts, lady. She was really mean about it... I hope it wasn't like some sort of gypsy/hobo curse or something.


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