Sunday, March 16, 2003

So I went clubbing last night for the first time in ages. Vivian's visiting here in Austin from New York. It ended up only being me, Rex, Pearl, and Vivian that went to the club- everyone else got to Kent's place and then decided to bail. But yea, I didn't have anything for dinner before going to Kent's place for *glug glug*, so I was out of it really fast, and I didn't sober up for basically the entire night. I had a blast though. We'd originally intended to go to Club Zero Degrees; I don't remember how or why, but we ended up at Paradox, as usual. We finished up the night by grabbing some food at Kirbey Lane (equivalent of IHOP) and got home around 4:00ish. Rex stayed over. I didn't sleep well at all. A lot of tossing and turning. I woke up in the middle of the night, and my pulse was around 120 bpm and wouldn't slow down for the longest time. Finally rolled out of bed close to noon; my stomach was killing me.

*Oh yea, and I came home with this weird crescent shaped wound on my outer bicep. It looks like I was bitten by an animal or a small child... How odd. I think I got it from running into a pole or parking meter though; that's the only thing I can think of that makes any sense.


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