Thursday, March 06, 2003

Man, arrrrgggg, shoot! I screwed up sooooo bad on my diff. eq. test today. I've been up late studying for it like the last 3 nights in a row. Then I get in there and completely forget what I'm doing. I only "knew" how to do 2 out of 5 problems; and I'm using "knew" in the loosest of interpretations here. Uuugggghhh... there goes the average. Man, I think diff eq has just singlehandedly claimed the title of hardest class in my schedule. Arrgggg.

Ok, so in addition to studying, I've gone to Metro coffee the last 3 nights also, since it's the only close place that's open 24 hours. Not bad I guess; overpriced, but what coffe place isn't? They play some interesting music there. Interesting scene... it's the kinda place I'd imagine seeing beatniks hanging around or something. Yea, cool vibe. It'd be a great place to chill if not for all the smoke.

Oh yea, Nien's pretty sheisty about me coming in late at night now too. I mean, hell, I'm already not studying in the room, but now he says he'd like it if I didn't shower at night so I wouldn't have to come in & out of the room. Daggone it. It's not like I'm not already trying my darnedest to be as quiet as I can. We've had several talks about the whole sleep situation, and basically, the problem boils down to the fact that we have different philosophies when it comes to sleep. He thinks it's top priority, and that a sleeping person should be shown every "courtesy" imaginable. Whereas, in my opinion, sleep is out of necessity- when your body feels like quitting, you'll know, and when that happens, you oughta be able to sleep regardless of what the hell's going on around you (within reason)- if you can't sleep, it means you're not that tired. Oh yea, and I forgot to mention, but we completely rearranged the room a couple weeks ago so that my desk is farther from his head when he sleeps. I really hate the new arrangement cuz I can't get enough good lighting to read when the main light is turned out, and my comp is too far from my bed so I can't watch/listen to stuff at night with headphones on like I used to. The whole room just feels smaller this way too. I dunno, whatever... I'm sick of whining; whatever. I'll just suck it up and accept the short end of the stick for the rest of the year.

Anyways, yea. So also this week, I found out firsthand that when you're instructed to look "left & right" before crossing a street, the order of the directions in which you're supposed to look are not arbitrarily defined. So I looked right first as I was walking into the street, and I darn near got myself run over by a car coming from the left. So yea, the reason you look left before right is that the one coming from the left is the one that'll kill ya first! Yowsa.

My VCR has screwed up on me twice this week. I hate how dumb these things can be sometimes. Arrrggg.

I was thinking about how sometimes you'd see archers holding their bows sideways and resting the arrow on top of it- like how a crossbow is. Well, I bet that didn't do good things to your aim. And I got to thinking, that must be the equivalent of the modern day gangsta style of holding a pistol sideways- looks cool, but serves absolutely no purpose. Heh, man, the stuff people will do to seem "cool."


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