Friday, February 28, 2003

I just finished watching Van Wilder. Funny as hell, but with a message. If you pay too much attention to the future, you forget about the now. That just makes a lot of sense to me right now. I mean, why do we bother getting an education or a job? So we can live in luxury and have pleasurable lives, right? Yet we put ourselves through such hell now for a promise of a brighter future that might not even happen. We deny ourselves of luxury and pleasure now because we think it'll pay off in the end. But what if it doesn't? Then you've just lived an unnecessarily unpleasant life.

I mean, I guess the extremes of instant gratification could quickly get you in preeeetty serious trouble, but before he gets "set straight," Van makes a good case: "Don't take life too seriously- you'll never get out alive."


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