Sunday, January 19, 2003

Nien & I talked again, trying to resolve our sleeping differences- to no avail. Either way, one of us loses. My way, he loses sleep; his way, I have to change my lifestyle. And every day, I feel like I'm letting him win more and more ground. For the most part, this entire week, I've logged off my computer right around midnight. So for a whole week, I've been living the way he'd have me live. I feel like I'm in hell.

So we were talking tonight trying to decide on like an "official" lights out time... and after much caving on both our parts, we agreed to 1:00... then I realized that he was talking about weekends, and I was talking about weekdays and yet we had both already given so much ground. We were both pretty frustrated. I dunno, I mean, he likes sleeping at midnight, and I like sleeping at 3:00... so wouldn't the most "fair" and natural compromise be 1:30? I feel like I'm already being nicer than I ought to be, and yet he's still not satisfied. =/

And then he put me on the spot and asked me: "What's more important to you: chatting on AIM or letting me sleep?" Man, how the hell am I supposed to answer that??? Uggghhh... so I suggested that maybe we should get some peer mediation, or at least ask our RA for some suggestions/solutions. And tonight, I finally worked up the guts to voice the idea that perhaps we shouldn't be roommates next year. The issue was side-stepped. Man, I dunno if this is gonna work... *sigh* Every time we have to talk about this, I feel so frustrated by our inability to come to a solution.

*He said he'd look for some more comfortable earplugs that he'd be more willing to use. And as an interim solution, I agreed to sleep at 12:30 on weekdays and 1:30 on weekends. I feel like I'm getting seriously shafted here... *sigh* =/


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