Tuesday, December 24, 2002

So along the same lines as my last post, why are some people so adamant about proving Santa Claus doesn't exist? I was bloghopping late last night, and I read about how some guy and his friend were debating over the existence of unicorns. (seriously) Well, of course, the guy arguing in the negative eventually won, but the affirmative did bring up an interesting point: "The only thing that I wonder about, is why so many default to disbelief rather than belief." hmmm... interesting point. But yea, anyways, back to Santa... all that stuff about burning up at high speeds? I bet he's got one hell of a heat shield on his sleigh. And anyways, all that's assuming that Santa's running on the same primitive technology as us. I mean, seriously, the guy works one day a year, he might as well sit around and ponder the science of his trip a little bit. You realize that if Santa had wormhole technology or warp drive on his sled, things suddenly become a lot more possible. And if you throw relativity into the mix, exceeding light speed would give him years and years of time compressed into a single night. Yea, maybe "reindeer" is North Pole slang for a warp core, and "sleigh" means temporal flux capacitor... ya never know. =P

*And I seem to have found a new interest in typing in L33t-speak, haha- Megatokyo's influence no doubt. So yea, here's wishing a /\/\3RRY <|-|R157m45 t0 a[[ j00 1337 h4x0rz out there!


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