Wednesday, December 04, 2002

I went to the doctor this morning to check out this recurring cough, upon firm insistence (read: "nagging") by my mom. So I get in there and they have to do the usual taking of temperature, blood pressure, and weight and stuff. And MAN, I come out at 194 lbs. (with shoes)... nyagggggg!!!! Dang it, that means I've put on about 10 pounds since I've come to college! Man, seriously, as much as people may joke about it, the "Freshman 15" is a very real thing. =( Maaaaaaaaaaaan, I'm a chunker.

Ok, yea, so the doctor ends up prescribing me an inhaler. I didn't think that was the nature of my problem, but I was just like, "ehhhhh, ok, whatever you say, Doc."

In other news, I found out how hard spaghetti stains are to get out. Might be the crappy laundry machines too, but it leaves this mustard yellow stain- won't come out.


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