Sunday, November 10, 2002

Last night was the Omega's infamous Pimps & Hoes party. Costumes were optional I guess; I thought the majority of people would be dressed up, so I made a medium effort, but when I arrived, I found myself in the minority. Well, it was pretty fun(ny) getting dressed up anyways. I rented a zebra stripe pimp hat (complete with feather) and bought myself a feather boa, but due to lack of foresight or something, I neglected the obligatory *bling bling*, heheh. =/ But yea, it was fun, but the dang feather boa kept sluffing off feathers, so by the end of the night I was covered with fluff. Oh, and props to Kent & David (T.) for hooking it up with admission to this pseudo-exclusive event.

Well, anyways, there were several cops at the place keeping the ol' eye on things (; obviously this party has quite the reputation). Yea, I found it particularly amusing how they put on the ruse of checking ID's and marking hands at the door to appease the cops, despite the very obvious fact that everyone was gonna be drinking anyways. But yea, I got drunker than I've ever been before at this party. And I knoooowww it seems like I'm saying that phrase an awful lot these days, but seriously- new levels of intoxication were reached last night, it was crazy. I think it was the jello shots that put me over the top; I'd never had them before and didn't realize that they take a little longer to kick in, so you don't realize how drunk you will be. Ummm, yea, also, this is the first time where I woke up and couldn't remember a lot of what happened the previous night; there's like huge gaps in my memory. I do remember getting semi-dragged out of there by my friends and eventually tossing my cookies at Taco Cabana later on. Oh, and I don't recall posing for pictures, but I was obviously aware of it at the time, as evidenced by my ability to make the Fob peace sign. Man, I think I need to stop writing about how drunk I get, this is distressing.

Ok, well, for what I remember, I do remember that it was a really fun party. And I definitely recommend going to all those people who backed out and chose not to go. Next year though... have to go.


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