Sunday, November 10, 2002

I've got this semi-hobby of collecting the fortunes inside fortune cookies. I don't keep the ones that are like actual fortunes, telling you that you're gonna have good luck or whatever. But I keep the ones that have proverbs, oddball sayings, or other bits of "ancient Chinese wisdom." Hey, what ever happened to those ones that preceded the actual message with "Confucius say:" ? Haha, those were classic. But yea, the weirdest fortune I've ever got had the message, "You will receive another fortune cookie." !!! Man... amazing! Its truth and utter simplicity blow the mind, hahaha.

Here are some I got tonight; ponder these:
"Birds are entangled by their feet and men by their tongues."
"The eyes believe themselves; the ears believe other people."

*Oh, and my friend, who's a senior in high school now, told me today that one of my papers from last year was used as the teachers' example of a superb paper. Haha, wow... and it's one that I don't even recall writing. I dunno, I don't pride myself on spectacular imagery or fancy language or anything; I like to think that if anything, I manage to introduce a couple whimsical unexplored concepts or even an occasional profound idea. Moments of brilliance amongst heaps of garbage, haha. Yea... not winning any awards here for style or vocab... or heck, even grammar. Heh, I'm a sucker for run-on sentences, hahaha. Too much to say, too few periods.


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