Monday, November 18, 2002

I'm at the library now. Uggghhh... long story. Well, basically, I got kicked out of my room. I had a feeling that there'd eventually be a confrontation over our (me & Nien's) differing sleep schedules, I just didn't know when he'd finally crack. It pretty much came down to a final admittance of the fact that our sleeping habits aren't meshing. He says he can't sleep when I'm running my computer late at night. He basically asked me to shut it off or take it outside. And there was brief mention of a compromise, like maybe him getting earplugs and an eye cover, but no specifics or anything. The immediate solution at hand was just for me to get out, so I did what I had to.

I dunno, I mean, I accept the fact that he needs sleep, but dang it, am I really the bad guy here? We had discussed it even before we got to campus and realized that we tend to sleep different hours, but he had said that he can tolerate a little sound when he's trying to sleep. Well, turns out he was wrong, huh? So yea, he suggested that maybe I should sleep earlier, but that's asking me to change a pretty big part of my lifestyle. I've always been nocturnal, thinking more clearly at night. But I'm sure if we brought our parents or any other adults into this, they'd most certainly side with Nien, and tell me I'm the cause of the problem for not going to bed earlier. But seriously, who sleeps at midnight (esp. in college)???

Man, I just feel really frustrated, cuz it's not like I hadn't realized the problem before and tried to accommodate him. I tried using headphones to listen to my music, but he says he can still hear it. I use as few lights as possible, reading and writing in poor lighting. I don't brush my teeth at night for fear of waking him up. I drink soup cold at night cuz I'm afraid that using the microwave would be too noisy. And I stopped my late-night exercise regimen (which probably contributed significantly to my getting so out of shape as of late). I've already changed a lot about how I live my life, but asking me to give up late night computer hours is crossing the line.

I mean, ok, seriously? I'll be the first to admit that I'm not always being productive and doing actual "work" when I'm on the computer. In fact, 90% of the time, I'm not. A lot of the time, I'm just chatting on AIM. But the thing is, I don't have a very functional social life; instant messaging IS my human interaction. Normal people talk on the phone or go hang out with their friends in person... I have AIM. Do I have a social disorder?'s quite possible. I definitely have my antisocial qualities.

Oh well, so anyways, here I am at the library with my laptop. I'm gonna have to work at it to make this into a habit...


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